
be in contact with造句

be in contact with造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 23:58:46


be in contact with造句

  • 1、During these tests, the wheels must notbe in contact with the ground.(在试验中,车轮一定不能接触地面。)
  • 2、From then on, he would be in close contact with people, maybe for a year or more.(从那时起,他将与人群发生亲密接触,他大概将在那里待上一年多的时间。)
  • 3、I also very much like the fact that we now have a unique opportunity tobe in contact with the Chinese community through DREAM.(我们也非常喜欢这样,事实上我们现在有一个特别的机会能通过梦想公会,和中国的玩家交流。)
  • 4、This is so that they canbe in contact with each other.(这是使他们能够进行接触对方。)
  • 5、Q13: When the Lady commences to move her RF for the brush on step 6 of the Natural Spin Turn which part of her foot shouldbe in contact with the floor?(在右旋转的第六步,当女士开始移动右脚刷脚时,她的脚应该哪一部分着地?)
  • 6、I am mad for it tobe in contact with me.(我疯了它是在与我公司联系。)
  • 7、Spending 20 minutes walking allows me tobe in contact with what is season like, and what is the day-to-day change and the weather.(每天花上二十分钟走路,这让我,感受到了每个季节的不同,也感受到了每天的变化和每日的天气。)
  • 8、This means that everyone willbe in contact with a device that radiates life-enhancing energy as opposed to your present devices which harm your life force.(这意味着每个人将可以通过接触一个设备就辐射出这个人的生物能量,与你们当前的设备截然相反,因为它们伤害着你们的生命能量。)
  • 9、For most of us, this experience occurred during the first days of life, when we turned our head in response to an increasingly familiar voice and maneuvered our eyes tobe in contact with Mother.(对我们大多数的人来说,在我们生命初期的时段,通常我们经历的镜射过程是我们会倾心地聆听并对身边那日渐熟悉的声音进行回应,并会用我们的眼神来注视我们的母亲。)
  • 10、They couldbe in contact with foreign reporters in the past.(他们过去就可以和外国记者接触。)
  • 11、She will sail solo and unassisted but will be in constant contact with her support team via radio, email and a blog.(她将在无协助情况下独自航行,但同时也将通过无线电、邮件及博客与她的支持团队保持联系。) Hao86.com
  • 12、It would have a familiarity with the user's life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored.(它应该熟悉用户的生活,就像在早期的接触中显示的那样,它应该是善解人意的,幽默的。)
  • 13、He refused, as well as the lure of the Czech football. "I shouldbe in contact with Ivan Hasek and Karel Poborským, but I live in Italy, it is then difficult to take any office."(他拒绝了,同样的,他也拒绝了捷克足球对他同样的引诱“我和哈谢客以及波博斯基都有联系,但是我住在意大利,所以很多工作很难进行。”)
  • 14、From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacher—and that contact may be as little as two hours a day.(从这个调查中,我们可以估计不到五分之一的孩子和医院的老师有过接触——这种接触可能每天只有两个小时。)
  • 15、Provided is a sheet, of which the surface tobe in contact with the skin of a wearer has a mixture layer.(提供了一种其表面要与擦拭物的皮肤接触的薄片,它具有一层混合物层。)
  • 16、If liquefied gas is to be withdrawn, the bottom of the cylinder must be elevated above the valve to allow the liquid phase tobe in contact with the valve inlet.(如果要提取液化气体,必须把钢瓶底部提高到阀门以上,使液相同阀门入口相接触。)
  • 17、We willbe in contact with you shortly upon our internal review.(我们会在内部讨论之后很快联系你。)
  • 18、However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement.(然而,法官们表示,亚利桑那州警方将获准核实与执法部门接触者的法律身份。)
  • 19、So in fact, there are professional magicians who make it their business to debunk people who claim to genuinelybe in contact with the dead and the like.(而事实上,有些专业的魔术师,主要揭露那些声称,能和死人沟通的人的秘密。)
  • 20、Must notbe in contact with any other electrical part.(不要接触任何其他电器部件。)
  • 21、It added: "The IOC's chief ethics and compliance officer will continue tobe in contact with all interested parties to clarify any alleged improper conduct."(国际奥委会负责道德和行为准则的官员将继续同相关团体保持联系,以查清任何可能出现的不当行为。)
  • 22、Keeping in contact with friends and family would be impossible without the internet.(没有互联网,与朋友和家人保持联系是不可能的。)
  • 23、Please send it back to us and we willbe in contact with you shortly!(非常感谢您的参与,请将表格寄回,我们会尽快的与您联系!)
  • 24、I am now transferring your ticket to the game Surveillance Unit to further assist you with the block placed on your Aion game account. Someone willbe in contact with you as soon as possible.(我现在将你的许可证传送给游戏监察小组以进一步协助您登录永恒之塔游戏帐号,很快就会有人与你联系。)
  • 25、You need tobe in contact with real people for this.(你要与真实的人接触交流。)
  • 26、I'llbe in contact with you once I have some more information.(一旦有了更多的信息我就会与你联系。)

be in contact with基本释义

be in contact with

英 [bi: in ˈkɔntækt wið] 美 [bi ɪn ˈkɑnˌtækt wɪð] 

交往; 和…接触,有联系[脱离接触,失去联系]