
be pleased at造句

be pleased at造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 23:58:40


be pleased at造句

  • 1、You don't know what she might be like — if she has any sense of humor at all. I was so pleased to find that she is incredibly normal, and has a wonderfully kind of dark, perverse sense of humor.(德普解释道:“你绝对想象不到她真是的摸样,尽管她的幽默细胞并不发达,但是我还是很开心的发现,原来她也是一个很真切的普通人,并且具有各种奇异的黑色幽默天赋。”)
  • 2、Nobody can reallybe pleased at the bottom of his heart with spirit, an acquisition so damaging to life.(没有人能真正地从心底喜欢灵魂,获得灵魂将贻害生命于无穷。)
  • 3、You should be pleased to be considered at your young age.(你应该高兴这么年轻就得到重用。)
  • 4、And if we go home later at 10 o 'clock, they'll hug us and be pleased that we finally got home safely.(而如果10点才回家的话,他们则会拥抱我们,为我们终于安全到家而高兴。)
  • 5、The Seids seemed pleased to be free of Wing on Wo's burdens one recent Saturday morning at the shop.(最近一个周六的上午,在“永安和”店里,雷氏夫妇看来对摆脱了这个负担颇为满意。)
  • 6、If your Majesty will only be pleased to look at it!(只要陛下愿意看一看!)
  • 7、With that also comes an even higher degree of responsibility, but you will be pleased to learn that it presents no problems at that level of evolution.(随之而来的是更大范围的责任(能力越大,责任越大),但是你们会欣然去学习的,因为在那种进化水平不会带来什么问题。)
  • 8、He was at once furious and slightly pleased, if a person could be both at one time.(他既生气又有点高兴,如果一个人能同时拥有这两种情绪的话。)
  • 9、At least the electricity companies ought tobe pleased at the prospect of selling more power, day or night.(至少电力公司应该乐于卖出更多电力,不论是白天还是夜晚。)
  • 10、Laura and I are pleased to be with you at this Christmas Pageant of Peace, and we thank you all for coming as well.(能在这和平的圣诞庆典中与大家相聚我和劳拉都很高兴,为此我也要感谢诸位的光临。)
  • 11、It's disappointing at the end but we can be pleased with the way we played.(结果令人失望但是我们还是能对我们的比赛方式满意。)
  • 12、So Anna's let the cat out of the bag - Mr Ingle won't be pleased - but at least she now knows what do if a fire breaks out.(安娜把秘密说出来了——英格尔先生会不高兴的——但是至少现在她知道了火灾发生的时候自己该做什么了。)
  • 13、He was commanding at the back and he can be pleased with his first game for the club. He was a big help to the young players and he inspired those around him.(他在后卫线一直都是指挥官,他非常高兴他的俱乐部首场比赛,他对年轻球员非常有帮助,他激励他周围的球员。)
  • 14、Specialist and niche operators, which compete on areas other than price, will be pleased to note that “Activities relating to my interest” is the next most crucial factor at 65%.(在服务领域而非价格上开展竞争的专项旅游和特殊旅游运营商,将会很高兴了解这一点:“与我的兴趣相关的活动”是第二重要的因素,有65%的受访者选择了这一项。)
  • 15、If we go home now, we'll be scolded by the family for being too late; and if we go home later at 10 o 'clock, they'll hug us and be pleased that we finally got home safely.(如果现在回家的话,一定遭到大人的痛骂,说我们回去太迟了;而如果10点才回家的话,他们则会拥抱我们,为我们终于安全到家而高兴。)
  • 16、He remembered how pleased he used to be when he was pointed out, or stared at, or talked about.(这要放在以前,被人认出,或凝视,或谈论时,会让他得意开怀。)
  • 17、Would you be pleased to say working at this job?(您会很高兴地回答所取得的最大成就是从事这项工作吗?)
  • 18、Today, I am pleased to join, to participate in this will be the history of I stand to fight for money and the greatest at writing activities.(今天,我高兴地同大家一起,参加这次将成为我站历史上为了争取奖金而举行的最伟大的征文活动。)
  • 19、Chinese consumers, for their part, must surely be pleased that they can buy better products at keen prices.(对中国消费者而言,他们一定很高兴可以买到价更廉物更美的产品。)
  • 20、We are very pleased and honored to be presenting these two abstracts at the SABCS meeting.(我们非常高兴和荣幸,在SABCS会议提出这两个概念的摘要。)
  • 21、We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a.(定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。)
  • 22、Even though you cannot be pleased by everyone, at least the percipient group and real young persons will appreciate and follow you.(既使你不可能让所有人都满意,至少有眼光的人士与真正年轻的人群会欣赏与追随你。)
  • 23、May I say how pleased we are to Be present at this grand party tonight.(今晚出席这样盛大的宴会,我们非常高兴。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 24、Considering what happened in the race, we can be pleased with finishing third and fourth, partly because our closest rivals either failed to score, or at least did not pick up many points.(考虑到比赛中所发生的情况,我们对第三第四名的成绩很高兴,部分原因是因为我们最有力的竞争对手成绩也不好,至少没有获得很多的积分。)

be pleased at基本释义
