
boil over造句

boil over造句

更新时间:2024-12-08 21:51:34


boil over造句

  • 1、Elizabeth seems toboil over for the slightest reason these days.(伊丽莎白这几天似乎怒气冲冲,一触即发。)
  • 2、Without a more flexible exchange rate, there is a growing risk that China's sizzling economy willboil over .(没有一个更为灵活的汇率,是有越来越大的风险,中国的炒热经济将烧开了。)
  • 3、Then tempersboil over and the leader does something rash, like fire the person.(然后脾气爆发,领导做出一些像开除这个人之类的轻率事情。)
  • 4、The disquiet willboil over in the long run.(这种不安情绪终有一天会爆发的。)
  • 5、Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it canboil over.(液体加热时要放进宽大的容器里,不要放进细长的容器里,否则它会溢出来。)
  • 6、Watch the milk - it's liable toboil over.(注意牛奶,它开了容易溢出来。)
  • 7、In a large saucepan, combine milk, vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Bring to aboil over medium heat, then remove from burner.(在一个大煮锅里,将牛奶、香草香精和1汤勺黄油或人造黄油混合。中火加热,烧开后从炉灶上取下。)
  • 8、The worry is that today's overheating will need toboil over before that mindset changes.(忧虑的是,在思想改变之前,今天的经济过热需要仔细斟酌。)
  • 9、Keep an eye on the milk. Don't let itboil over.(注意年头牛奶,别让它煮得溢出来。)
  • 10、Mike seems toboil over for the slightest reason these days.(迈克这几天似乎为了一点小事就怒气冲冲,怒不可遏。)
  • 11、Place sugar and water in a sauce pot andboil over the low heat until the sugar are dissolved.(混和和砂糖和水在一个小锅里,低火加热至糖全溶解了,放凉备用。)
  • 12、Standoffs between protesters and hunters quicklyboil over into arguments and threats.(保护者和捕猎者之间的沟通很快演变成争吵和恐吓。)
  • 13、Discard any of the beans that float, and bring to aboil over medium-high heat.(扔掉漂浮的豆子,并用中-大火加热沸腾。)
  • 14、It is easy to let the waterboil over or the potatoes burn.(把水煮溢或把土豆烧糊是很容易发生的事。)
  • 15、Sometimes frustration and anger canboil over into direct and violent action.(有时无奈和愤怒会失去控制,变成直接的暴力行为。)
  • 16、But as the number of jumpers approached double digits, latent self-reproach began toboil over.(随着跳楼人数很快逼近两位数,潜伏的良心谴责开始令我觉得坐立不安。)
  • 17、Nonetheless it has caused a bubbling debate over the rights of offenders vis-a-vis ordinary citizens toboil over.(尽管如此,这起谋杀还是引发了一场有关罪犯相对于普通百姓的权利的激烈争论。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 18、Watch the milk doesn'tboil over.(小心,不要让牛奶溢出来!)
  • 19、It is separated into a few fractions whichboil over different ranges of temperature.(它按沸点的几个温度范围分成少数几种馏分。)
  • 20、Turn off the gas - the soup is about toboil over.(把关掉煤气,汤要溢出来了。)
  • 21、"The situation in Cajamarca is heating up and couldboil over if people feel excluded," says Mr Santos.(桑托斯说:“卡哈马卡的火爆局势正在升温,如果人们感觉自己被排除在外,温度就会达到沸点。”)
  • 22、Watch that the milk doesn'tboil over.(小心别让牛奶溢出来。)
  • 23、Add the wine and bring to aboil over high heat.(加入白葡萄酒,高火煮沸。)
  • 24、Never repress your emotions, otherwise, they would accumulate andboil over one day.(不要压抑自己的情绪,不然有一天这些情绪会积累,然后在某一天爆发出来。)

boil over基本释义

boil over

英 [bɔil ˈəuvə] 美 [bɔɪl ˈovɚ] 