


更新时间:2024-06-16 23:57:58



  • 1、Cooked meat contains very little vitamin c, notes Donald Beitz, a nutritionalbiochemist at Iowa State University.(爱荷华州立大学营养生物化学家DonaldBeitz指出,烹制过的肉类的维他命c含量很少。)
  • 2、"As abiochemist, this stuff doesn't make sense," she recalled thinking.(“作为一个生物化学家,这样的事没有意义。”她曾经这样想。)
  • 3、Saidbiochemist Olof Hammarsten: "we must do everything that we can to avoid a scandal and try, in my opinion, to prevent Madame Curie from coming."(生物化学家olofHammarsten说“我认为,我们必须尽一切努力避免丑闻和阻止居里夫人来。”)
  • 4、The paper described an experiment with mice led by Larry Feig, a Tufts Universitybiochemist.(论文描述了塔夫斯大学(TuftsUniversity)生物化学家LarryFeig的一次鼠类实验。)
  • 5、Katie, for example, is a mother of three young children who also works part-time as abiochemist.(例如,凯蒂是三个小孩的母亲,也是兼职生化学家。)
  • 6、I've picked him because he's abiochemist, so he understands what I tell him.(我选中他是因为他是个生物化学家,他能明白我的意思。)
  • 7、A Polishbiochemist named Casimir Funk isolated what was in the brown stuff. It turned out to be thiamine.(一位名叫卡西米尔·冯克(CasimirFunk)的波兰生化学家,从糙米中分离出了一种被后人命名为硫胺(thiamine)的物质。)
  • 8、biochemist James Lovelock writes of this embrace, "the evolution of a species is inseparable from the evolution of its environment."(生物化学家詹姆斯·洛夫·洛克就这种相拥状况写道:“物种的进化与其所处环境的演变密不可分。”)
  • 9、And if I had an experiencedbiochemist or molecular biologist at the bench for a year or two it probably would have cost the same and would have been done faster.(如果我在我的团队中有一位熟练生物化学家或分子的生物学家工作一到两年,也许花费了相同,但会更迅速地完成了。)
  • 10、He once worked as a electrician and plumber, but he has become abiochemist.(他曾经当过电工和水暖工,可现在成为一名生化学家。)
  • 11、She is abiochemist who works above the frontiers of aggregation.(她是从事生物学前沿研究的生化学家。)
  • 12、biochemist gokhan Hotamisligil of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and his colleagues wanted to understand how this process works.(哈佛大学波士顿公共卫生学院的生物学家gokhanHotamisligil和他的同事们想要了解这是怎么一回事。)
  • 13、Researchers led bybiochemist Michael Aviram of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, developed a method to make white wine that exploited the grape skins.(由以色列海法瑞本医学中心的生化学家迈克尔·艾维·瑞姆带领的研究人员,发明了一个可以利用葡萄皮的白葡萄酒制造方法。)
  • 14、He gave up his job as abiochemist to become a historian, writer, publisher and activist.(他放弃了生物化学家的职业,变成一名历史学家、作家、出版人和活动家。)
  • 15、As a paradigm of chemical oscillations, the B-Z reaction system has been the focus of the chemist andbiochemist since 1960s.(反应作为化学振荡的范例,自二十世纪六十年代以来一直是化学家及生物化学家们研究的热点。)
  • 16、Wong has his critics. Some people think that he could contribute more to society as abiochemist, rather than a stand-up comedian, but Wong disaGREes.(黄西也遭受到批评。有些人认为他应该以生物化学家的身份为社会多做些贡献,而不是当一名单口相声演员。但对此黄西并不认同。)
  • 17、The ordinary microscope does not help much in this case, and so we call onbiochemist to supply us with information.(在这种情况下,普通显微镜帮不了多大忙,因此我们求助生物化学给我们提供帮助。)
  • 18、Trained as abiochemist, the 43-year-old Nowak believes that mathematics is the "true language of science" and the key to unlocking the secrets of the past.(生物化学专业出身、现年43岁的Nowak相信数学是“科学真正的语言”,也是能解开过去秘密的钥匙。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、Prominent Stanfordbiochemist pledges to focus all his energy on promoting veganism.(斯坦福大学著名的生物化学家承诺把全部精力都放在推广纯素食上。)
  • 20、During his later years, Landsteiner formed a friendship with Linus Pauling, the Americanbiochemist who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954.(在兰德斯纳特的晚年,他与1954年赢得诺贝尔奖的生物化学家LinusPauling建立了友谊关系。)
  • 21、You most likely are not abiochemist or a physiologist and neither am I. But I have studied the subjects a bit.(你最有可能不是一个生物化学或生理学家和既不上午一但我研究的主题一点。)
  • 22、Elaine Linker, PhD,biochemist and co-founder of DDF Skin Care, says a number of conditions, such as acne, can cause you to suddenly break out.(DDF皮肤护理的创建者之一,生化学家ElaineLinker博士说,一些症状(比如痤疮)会在突然间引发皮肤问题。)



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