


更新时间:2024-06-16 23:57:58



  • 1、But the enzymes that governbiochemistry are such precise tools that, often, only one-handedness is acceptable.(可是,在生物化学界占支配地位的酶,恰恰是这样一种往往只能接受某一手性的精密工具。)
  • 2、Almost as remarkably, few of the players who folded their way to this discovery have any kind of background inbiochemistry.(需要关注的是,按他们的方式进行游戏,折叠蛋白的玩家几乎很少有人具生物化学背景。)
  • 3、The study has been published in the most recent issue of the journal Pharmacologybiochemistry and Behavior.(这项研究最近已发表在杂志《药物学,生物化学及行为学》。)
  • 4、Simply give up coffee, and you’re on a totally different diet with a significant change in your body’sbiochemistry.(只需戒掉咖啡,你身体的生化反应就会大大改变,因此这就意味着你的饮食方式已经大不同前了。)
  • 5、As the Lancet and Unicef both make clear, dealing with hunger hardly requires a doctorate in thebiochemistry of the human body.(正如《柳叶刀》和联合国儿童基金会都表明的,处理饥饿并不需要人体生化学方面的博士学位。)
  • 6、These studies cover from large data tobiochemistry, new energy to the robot and other high-tech fields.(这些研究涵盖了从大数据到生物化学,从新能源到机器人等高科技领域。)
  • 7、'I thought there'd be a plaque or something, ' said Mr. Stringer, a 20-year-oldbiochemistry student from Seattle.(20岁的斯金格来自西雅图,学习生物化学,他说,我以为会有个铭牌什么的。)
  • 8、Nature published an extract from hisbiochemistry Ph.D. thesis — on synthetic RNA.(《自然》杂志曾刊登过他那篇关于“人工RNA”的生化博士论文摘要。)
  • 9、"We can't build cars and airplanes or even toys these days without computer modeling and simulation," he said. "So why notbiochemistry?"(我们现今已经如果没有计算机模拟便不能制造出汽车、飞机甚至是玩具,那么为什么生物化学就不可以呢?)
  • 10、This ensures that thebiochemistry of the inside of the cell is different from the outside.(这就确保细胞内部的生化与外部不同。)
  • 11、Our physiology,biochemistry and psychology are deeply interconnected. Food not only gives us calories, but it also carries messages.(我们的生理机能、化学机能和心理机能有着极深的内在联系。食物不仅仅会带给我们能量,同样也能带来精神讯号。)
  • 12、Inbiochemistry, handedness can matter. Left - and right-handed versions may, for example, smell different.(在生物化学中,手性是有意义的,如左旋和右旋的物质气味可能不同。)
  • 13、Some of theirbiochemistry applications are with another Professor at MIT, Alice Ting, and her lab.(他们的一些生物化学应用与麻省理工学院的另一位教授AliceTing和她的实验室有关。)
  • 14、If hundreds of rare variants are involved in a disease, they may implicate too much of the body'sbiochemistry to be useful.(如果一种疾病与数以百计的罕见变异有关,则可能意味着太多人体的生物化学物质是有用的。)
  • 15、Isoprenoids have the advantage that, like alcohols, they are part of the naturalbiochemistry of many organisms.(类异戊二烯有个跟醇类一样的优势,那便是它们是许多有机体中生物化学成分所含有的。)
  • 16、Butbiochemistry goes far beyond oxygen.(但生物化学远远超出氧气。)
  • 17、Sydnee is a seniorbiochemistry major student.(西妮是生物化学专业的大四学生。)
  • 18、This would be a feat, mixing design, engineering andbiochemistry and microbiology.(这一计划融合了设计、工程学、生物化学与微生物学,会成为一项壮举。)
  • 19、Did the insects go back to the exact originalbiochemistry for building wings, or find a new route, essentially evolving new proteins?(竹节虫的新翅膀是在曾经的生化基础上长出来的呢?还是通过新的通路,进化了新的蛋白而长出与以前不同的翅膀呢?)
  • 20、Just as the plants on Earth a regreen with chlorophyl, the plants of Pandora, based on a differentbiochemistry, are mostly purple.(就像地球上植物因为叶绿素而呈现出绿色一样靠着另一套生物化学原理潘多拉上的植物大多数为紫色。)
  • 21、Originally, we were hypothesizing that humans working together with computers could solvebiochemistry problems that neither could alone.(最初,我们假设人机合作可以解决那些从未解决的生物化学问题。)
  • 22、And yet, at the most basic level ofbiochemistry, it has just been more of the same.(然而,就生物化学的最基本层面来看,物种之间并不存在太多的差异。)
  • 23、To settle the question, researchers would need to find living organisms on the planet and examine theirbiochemistry.(为了解决这个问题,研究人员需要在这颗星球上找到活生物体并检查它们的生物化学。)
  • 24、Many people have said sugar is bad, but they didn't supply thebiochemistry. I supplied that.(许多人都在说糖是坏东西,但他们又讲不出更深的科学道理,但在这里,我可以告诉大家。)
  • 25、"This offers insight to the [biochemistry] that governed life tens or even hundreds of millions years ago," he told BBC Nature.(“这可以让我们对几千万年甚至上亿年前支配生命的生物化学现象进行研究。”他对BBC自然频道说。)
  • 26、biochemistry, General Ecology, Botany, Cell Genetics, Molecular Genetics…(生物化学、生态学概论、植物学、细胞遗传学、分子遗传学……)
  • 27、She has a degree inbiochemistry from London University.(她有伦敦大学生物化学的学位。)
  • 28、Other researchers, meanwhile, are trying to isolate the genes responsible for C4 plants' unusual anatomy andbiochemistry.(与此同时其他研究人员正致力于分离决定C4植物异常结构和生化特性的基因。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 29、But at a molecular level, in the details of itsbiochemistry, it is highly adapted in order to survive the high pressure.(Priede说。“但是从分子层面来看,它的生化构造已经高度进化,以适应水压巨大的生存环境。)



英 [ˌbaɪəʊˈkemɪstri] 美 [ˌbaɪoʊˈkemɪstri] 
形容词: biochemical 副词: biochemically 名词: biochemist
