
更新时间:2024-06-03 00:12:32



  • 1、Outer perianth segments darkbrownish - red, short lanceolate, with whitish edge.(外花被片段为深棕红色,短披针形,带白色边缘。)
  • 2、Though they are partially orange, they also have andbrownish-olive plumage.(虽然有部分橙,他们也有和棕色-橄榄羽毛。)
  • 3、By sweet potatoes, I mean the orange-fleshed tubers withbrownish skin that growers and supermarkets often mislabel as “yams.”(甜薯,我说的是那种有橘红色块茎和褐色外皮的那种,种植者和超市经常错贴标签为“番薯”。)
  • 4、The addition should be interrupted whenbrownish vapors are liberated to avoid excessively vigorous reaction .(当有棕色蒸气析出时,加料要中断,以免反应过分激烈。)
  • 5、This here's a new bit, and he touched a shoot which lookedbrownish green instead of hard, dry gray.(这是新的一点,他摸了摸一根嫩芽,它看上去是带褐色的绿色,而不是干硬的灰色。)
  • 6、The breakdown of the blood into hemosiderin has led tobrownish staining of some of the cysts seen here.(血管破坏出血形成的含血铁黄素使一些包囊染成褐色。)
  • 7、Nearer the rough grass, with its long,brownish stalks all agleam, was full of light.(离粗糙的草地更近些的地方,长满了闪闪发光的褐色长梗。)
  • 8、NEW YORK (Kyodo) Ask most Japanese what "kombucha" is, and they say it is a mild,brownish kelp-based tea.(问许多日本人什么是“康普茶”(kombucha),他们说它是一种清淡的、褐色甜茶。)
  • 9、White opal may show a white, greenish, bluish orbrownish fluorescence in long wave and short wave ultra-violet light.(白欧泊在长波和短波紫外光下显示白色、绿色、蓝色或褐色的荧光。)
  • 10、Now a new option is generating interest — dissolving bodies in lye and flushing thebrownish, syrupy residue down the drain.(现在有一种新的选择方式产生----用碱液溶解尸体并且把褐色浆糊状的污秽物倒入排水沟中。)
  • 11、The positive cells displayedbrownish yellow granules on the surface, cytoplasm and intercalated disc.(在细胞表面、胞浆中及闰盘处出现棕黄色颗粒为阳性细胞。)
  • 12、You can't see in this light, but my new coat is a sort ofbrownish colour.(这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。)
  • 13、The dog hasbrownish fur tipped with gray.(那条狗有着褐色带灰点的毛皮。)
  • 14、Medium, long neck, skin isbrownish yellow with violet stripes, flesh amber.(中程,长脖子,皮肤是棕黄色与紫色条纹,果肉黄色。)
  • 15、During the winter, thebrownish hair is thick and long for protection from the cold nights.(冬天,它那略带褐色的毛变得又长又密,保护它免受寒夜之苦。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 16、I rejected it and asked to dye my greyishbrownish hair into a dark brown then to highlight it with blonde highlights.(我要求将我灰褐色的头发染成深棕色并且挑染上一些亮金色。)
  • 17、It wasbrownish-grey, with a small head and a large body - not too large, for it was a dove.(它棕灰色,有个小小的脑袋和大大的身子——也不太大,因为它只是只鸽子而已。)
  • 18、The trees on the wood-edge were a darkish,brownish green in the full light—for it was the end of August.(在充足的光线下,树林边缘的树木呈现出一种暗棕色的绿色——因为已经到八月底了。)
  • 19、Any of migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae usually havebrownish upper plumage.(任何一种鸫科迁徒鸟类的上部羽毛通常为褐色。)
  • 20、The "syndrome" consists of abrownish discoloration of the skin caused by prolonged exposure to heat from the computer.(这个“综合症”包含长时间暴露在电脑热量下引起的皮肤色素减退。)
  • 21、The water may turn greenish, reddish, orbrownish.(水可能会变成绿色,红色,或褐色。)
  • 22、The vomitus was initially clear but just before hospitalization was said tobrownish.(最初的呕吐物是透明的,但据说住院治疗之前的呕吐物,带有褐色。)
  • 23、When it'sbrownish on one side turn it to the other side.(待其一面变为褐色后翻换另一面。)



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