
更新时间:2024-06-03 00:16:40



  • 1、The noise of thunderalarmed one all night.(隆隆雷声使人整夜不得安宁。)
  • 2、The food industry will bealarmed that such senior doctors back such radical moves, especially the call to use some of the tough tactics that have been deployed against smoking over the last decade.(资深医生不但支持这些激进的举措,甚至呼吁使用过去10年间抵制吸烟的强硬手段,这为食品行业敲响了警钟。)
  • 3、We could not see what hadalarmed him.(我们不明白是什么吓着他了。)
  • 4、"O, I'm sure he wouldn't like that at ALL," said the Rat, quitealarmed.(“噢,我相信他一点也不会喜欢的。”河鼠十分惊恐地说。)
  • 5、Greatlyalarmed, he made a grab at the side of the boat, and the next moment--Sploosh!(他吓了一大跳,伸手去抓船边,不一会儿——扑通一声!)
  • 6、His intensity and the ferocity of his feelingsalarmed me.(他的过分认真和激烈的感受令我恐慌。)
  • 7、Many voters werealarmed by the president's new stridency.(很多选民对总统最近表现出来的强硬感到担忧。)
  • 8、This door isalarmed.(这扇门安装了警报器。)
  • 9、The firealarmed the whole neighbourhood.(火灾使整个街坊邻里都惊恐起来。)
  • 10、"I'm afraid I don't know one," said Alice, ratheralarmed at the proposal.(“恐怕我一个也不认识。”爱丽丝说,对这项提议感到十分震惊。)
  • 11、They werealarmed by a sudden air attack.(突然空袭使他们大为惊恐。)
  • 12、My mother was seriouslyalarmed.(我母亲对此非常惊慌。)
  • 13、Mary and Colin were muchalarmed and talked together anxiously.(玛丽和科林大为惊恐,一起焦急地交谈着。)
  • 14、She wasalarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.(她一想到独自旅行的情景就害怕。)
  • 15、This servant was equallyalarmed, and he got out as fast as he could.(这个仆人也同样吓了一跳,赶紧跑了出去。)
  • 16、Dr. Craven felt ratheralarmed.(克雷文医生警觉起来。)
  • 17、These men were right to bealarmed.(我们的确应该给这些男人敲敲警钟了。)
  • 18、They are not panicking yet, but as the job rejections mount up, they are beginning to feelalarmed.(他们还没感到恐慌,不过,随着工作被拒的次数增加,他们开始感到忧虑了。)
  • 19、Her husband wasalarmed, and asked,"What ails you, dear wife?"(她的丈夫吓坏了,问她:“亲爱的妻子,你哪里不舒服?”)
  • 20、People began to feelalarmed about the cholera.(人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐起来。)
  • 21、They should not be tooalarmed by the press reports.(他们不应该被媒体报道搞得过于恐慌。)
  • 22、He was notalarmed at receiving the telegram.(他接到这封电报时并不心慌。)
  • 23、As the match began, I wasalarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler"s ears.(比赛开始时,我吃惊地发现对方选手在摔跤时没有戴头盔,那是一种轻型的头盔,用来保护摔跤选手的耳朵。)
  • 24、Last October the bank balked,alarmed that a $24M profit had turned into a $20M deficit.(去年十月这家银行突然亏空,原本2400万美元的利润变成了2000万的赤字让人震惊。)
  • 25、She wasalarmed by his violent outburst.(他暴跳如雷,令她惊恐万状。)
  • 26、The Rat,alarmed, pulled him by the elbow, but it was too late.(水鼠兰特惊慌了,揪着他的胳膊肘,但为时已晚。)
  • 27、She was notalarmed to see a stranger crying on the nursery floor; she was only pleasantly interested.(看到一个陌生人在育儿室的地板上哭泣,她并不惊慌;她只是觉得有趣。)
  • 28、Lansley hasalarmed health campaigners by suggesting he wants industry rather than government to take the lead.(兰斯利表示他希望能够由工业而不是政府来发挥带头作用,这让健康饮食倡议人士感到震惊。)
  • 29、We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every common-sense intuition suggests we should be profoundlyalarmed.(我们对大脑知之甚少,也不知道它如何处理同时出现的相互冲突的信息,但所有的常识直觉都告诉我们,我们应该对此深感震惊。)



英 [əˈlɑ:md] 美 [əˈlɑ:rmd] 
