


更新时间:2024-06-17 00:01:18



  • 1、I pulled him aside after class.(课后,我又一次把他拉到一旁。)
  • 2、I take exercise after class every day.(我每天下课后锻炼身体。)
  • 3、Group activities will be organized after class to help children develop team spirit.(课后将组织小组活动以培养孩子的团队精神。)
  • 4、What are you going to do after class?(下课后你打算做什么?)
  • 5、Linda said: "I will do it after class."(琳达说:“这件事我下课后做。”)
  • 6、Upset, the teacher kept John after class and called his father for a conference.(老师感到很沮丧,课后把约翰留下来,并打电话让约翰的爸爸过来开个会。)
  • 7、After class we have all kinds of activities.Sometimes we work on the college farm.(课后我们开展各种活动。有时去校办农场劳动。)
  • 8、After class, they usually play table tennis together.(他们通常在下课后一起去打乒乓球。)
  • 9、I am always hungry after class.(我下课后总是很饿。)
  • 10、A part-time job is a good way to balance costs while ensuring there is enough time left over for both academic subjects andafter-class activities.(兼职是平衡成本的好方法,能确保同时有足够的时间用于学术科目和课外活动。)
  • 11、Try to make notes in class and revise them after class.(试着在课堂上做笔记并在课后复习笔记。)
  • 12、What do you want to do after class?(下课以后你想干什么?) Hao86.com
  • 13、We can listen to music after class.(我们可以在下课的时候听音乐。)
  • 14、After class I'll go to eat.(我下了课就去吃饭。)
  • 15、After class, all the students in the annex where our class met walked back to the main building.(下课后,全班同学从上课的辅楼走回主楼。)
  • 16、After class we walked to the student union building and share a chocolate milkshake.(课后我们一同走去学生会大楼,并分享了一杯巧克力奶昔。)
  • 17、Then after class I went to my room and watched the TV program talking about it and I got all the details from that.(课上完以后,我回到宿舍,看了谈论该事件的电视节目,从节目中获得了所有相关细节。)
  • 18、She rubbed the exercises off the blackboard after class.(下课后她把习题从黑板上擦掉。)
  • 19、I invite you to ask questions in class or, if you prefer, after class as well.(我邀请你在上课的时候提问,如果你愿意的话,课后也行。)
  • 20、Can't you go after class?(你不能下课后才去吗?)
  • 21、So I often do math tests after class.(所以我经常在课后做数学测试。)
  • 22、Don't hesitate to talk to your teacher after class.(课后找你的老师谈一谈,不要再犹豫不决了。)
  • 23、I often play table tennis after class.(我经常在课后打乒乓球。)
  • 24、After class some students go to the gym to exercise.(一些学生下课后去健身房锻炼。)
  • 25、Let's go shopping after class!(让我们下课后去购物吧!)
  • 26、After class, we often play basketball there.(我们经常课后去那打篮球。)
  • 27、I played hand clapping games after class with the kids.(下课的时候,我和班上的小朋友一起拍手做游戏。)
  • 28、After class the teacher handed out a critique with our grades.(课后老师给我们一份成绩单。)
  • 29、After class that Wednesday, Madeleine and Leonard had ended up walking together to the Blue Room, the campus coffee shop.(那个星期三下课后,玛德琳和伦纳德一起去了学校里的蓝房子咖啡屋。)
