
更新时间:2024-05-27 00:07:26



  • 1、It is not rare for the neatherd's boy nowadays to bear the name ofArthur, Alfred, or Alphonse.(如今的牧童大多都以Arthur,Alfred或Alphonse为名。)
  • 2、His son,Arthur Ochs Junior, is expected to succeed him as publisher.(他的儿子,小阿瑟·奥克斯,被期望来继承他做出版商。)
  • 3、Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz.(亚瑟·默里教过狐步舞、探戈舞和华尔兹舞。)
  • 4、Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.(ArthurvonWiesenberger是北美为数不多的水资源评论家之一,他的头衔是“水大师”。)
  • 5、Arianna.Arthur, you wanna say something?(艾丽阿娜,阿瑟,你想说什么?)
  • 6、The man,Arthur, showed me pictures of some of the work he'd done—in Japan.(男子亚瑟向我展示了他在日本所做的一些工作的照片。)
  • 7、Arthur has made a recommendation, which he wants her to put before the board at a special meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.(阿瑟提了个建议,要她在明天下午拟定召开的特别会议上向董事会提出。)
  • 8、Prithee let me see my brotherArthur—he will know me; he will know me and console me.(请你让我见见我的哥哥亚赛吧——他会认得我的;他会认得我的,还会安慰我。)
  • 9、Arthur and Carl don't like each other.(亚瑟和卡尔不喜欢对方。)
  • 10、Arthur Edens: I'm an accomplice!(亚瑟·伊登斯:我只是一个帮凶而已!)
  • 11、In the late 1800s British archaeologist SirArthur Evans combed antique dealers' stores in Athens, Greece.(19世纪末,英国考古学家阿瑟·埃文斯爵士希腊雅典到处搜寻古董商的店铺。)
  • 12、In 1842, two army officers, Colonel Charles Stoddart and CaptainArthur Conolly, were beheaded here in public.(1842年,查尔斯·斯托达特上校和亚瑟·康诺利上尉两名军官在这里被当众斩首。)
  • 13、Arthur Weasley: Children!(亚瑟·韦斯莱:孩子们!)
  • 14、UncleArthur, after a loud snore, woke suddenly.(阿瑟大叔响亮地打了个鼾后,突然醒了过来。)
  • 15、We read the Slavophiles, and we read the westernizers, taught by the late scholar of Russia,Arthur Mendel.(我们读过斯拉夫派,也读过西化派,由已故的俄国学者亚瑟·孟德尔教授。)
  • 16、Arthur and Carl don't like each other. But Bill is friendly with them both.(亚瑟和卡尔都很讨厌对方。但是比尔却和他们两个都很好。)
  • 17、Like, KingArthur, with knights and horses.(就像亚瑟王时代,有骑士和战马的时代。)
  • 18、Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher.(德国哲学家叔本华。)
  • 19、The New York Times's publisher,Arthur Sulzberger, acknowledged that the move is a gamble: "This is a bet , to a certain degree, in where we think the web is going."(《纽约时报》的出版人阿瑟·苏兹伯格承认,此举是在赌博:“从某种程度上,这是在赌我们所认为的互联网的前进方向。”)
  • 20、Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers.(阿瑟•C.克拉克是科幻小说作家中的老前辈。)
  • 21、Arthur C. Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury.(阿瑟·C.克拉克喜欢引用他的朋友兼同事—科幻作家雷·布拉德伯里的话。)
  • 22、Arthur was noted for the eccentricity of his clothes.(阿瑟以穿奇装异服而著称。)
  • 23、I've broken off my engagement toArthur.(我已经解除了于阿瑟的订婚约定。)
  • 24、Arthur had been dead six years.(亚赛已经死了六年了。)
  • 25、The science fiction writerArthur C.Clarke talked about building a pace elevator back in the 1970s.(科幻作家亚瑟·查尔斯·克拉克早在20世纪70年代就说过建造太空电梯。)
  • 26、Arthur cut birch for his father but did not make his first broom until he was 18.(亚瑟为他父亲砍伐白桦,直到18岁才制作了自己的第一把扫帚。)
  • 27、Think ofArthur, Merlin, and Excalibur.(想想亚瑟王、梅林和王者之剑吧!)
  • 28、Arthur Edens: I am Shiva, the god of death.(亚瑟·伊登斯:我正在为上帝之死而服丧。)
  • 29、Playwrights that I really love are like,Arthur Miller and David Mamet.(我非常喜爱的剧作家有阿瑟·米勒和大卫·马麦特。)



英 [ˈɑ:θə] 美 [ˈɑrθɚ] 

