
Tropic of Cancer造句

Tropic of Cancer造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 23:24:34


Tropic of Cancer造句

  • 1、Fourth, theTropic of Cancer runs through Yunnan, solar radiation intensity, Ganoderma lucidum obtained more energy from the sun;(北回归线贯穿云南,太阳辐射强度大,灵芝从太阳获得的能量多;)
  • 2、My professor assigned Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer" for class discussion, and my father signed a petition at church to ban him from teaching.(我的教授指定亨利·米勒henryMiller的“北回归线”作为课堂讨论的题目,而我爸爸却在教堂里签署了一个请愿书,要去禁止他的教育。)
  • 3、His hometown is located in the north to theTropic of Cancer.(他的家乡在北回归线的北面。)
  • 4、South bay island Be located in semi - tropical,Tropic of Cancer is traversed.(南澳岛地处亚热带,北回归线横贯。)
  • 5、I knew that if I ever had a chance at becoming a respectable ambassador for countries such as Uganda, Kazakhstan, or theTropic of Cancer, I would really have to be more of an egalitarian.(我知道如果我有机会成为一位例如乌干达,哈萨克斯坦,北回归线国家的令人尊敬的大使的话,我将会真的成为一个平等主义者。) Hao86.com
  • 6、A possible correlation mechanism between flood and earthquake, the effect of theTropic of Cancer, has been proposed.(从北回归线效应的角度,讨论了上述地区大洪灾与大地震的相关性。)
  • 7、TheTropic of Cancer traverses Guangzhou, which is the largest city at this latitude.(北回归线横贯广州,同时广州市也是北回归线上最大的城市。)
  • 8、Chaoyang is located on the southeast coast of Guangdong Province, close to theTropic of Cancer, a sub-tropical maritime climate.(潮阳地处广东省东南沿海,紧靠北回归线,属亚热带海洋性气候。)
  • 9、In China, theTropic of Cancer cuts through Guangdong province.(在中国,北回归线空过广东省。)
  • 10、Roams about to theTropic of Cancer brocade year.(流浪至北回归线的锦年。)
  • 11、Yunnan is the most southwestern province in China, with theTropic of Cancer running through its southern part.(云南是中国最西南的省份,北回归线穿过其南部。)
  • 12、It was at the heart of the controversy over Lady Chatterley's Lover, and it helped getTropic of Cancer banned.(它是《查泰莱夫人的情人》一书中争论的核心和有助于使得北回归线被禁。)
  • 13、So look around the world, the area crossed byTropic of Cancer may possibly find the trails of such serial meteorites spread.(那么,放眼世界,整个环球北回归线穿越地区都可能有该系列陨石群散落的痕迹。)
  • 14、On June 21, the sun sits above theTropic of Cancer, spreading more sunlight in the north and turning the tables on the south.(夏至,太阳位于北回归线的正上方,北半球扭亏为盈获得更多的阳光。)
  • 15、If it succeeds in crossing the Atlantic, it will then try to circle the globe, following theTropic of Cancer and landing on each continent.(如果成功地飞越大西洋,它然后将环球飞行,沿着北回归线,并在每一个洲着陆。)
  • 16、Most of the world's coffee is grown between theTropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn on plantations in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Americas.(世界上大多数咖啡种植之间北回归线和南回归线上种植在非洲,东南亚和美洲。)
  • 17、Tropic of Cancer is not only a representative work which reflects his ideological profundity, but also a model of weird style.(《北回归线》不仅是他作品思想深度的代表作,也是其怪异文化的范本。)
  • 18、It abuts theTropic of Cancer, constituted the Polynesia archipelago north vanguard.(它紧靠北回归线,构成了波利尼西亚群岛的北方前锋。)
  • 19、Damingshan is situated in the middle of Guangxi nearby theTropic of Cancer with the characteristic of south subtropic monsoon.(大明山位于广西中部,地处北回归线附近,具有南亚热带季风气候的特点。)
  • 20、Daming Mountain is located on theTropic of Cancer and has its own positional characteristics.(大明山位于北回归线上,具有其独特的区位特征。)
  • 21、Nan Ao Island is on theTropic of Cancer at the extreme eastern edge of Guangdong Province.(南澳岛位于我国广东省东缘闽粤交界处,北回归线横贯全岛。)
  • 22、Baiyun District, located south of theTropic of Cancer, sunny, with plenty of rainfall, mild climate, oceanic climate is subtropical monsoon.(白云区地处北回归线以南,阳光充足,雨量充沛,气候温和,属南亚热带季风海洋性气候。)

Tropic of Cancer基本释义

Tropic of Cancer
