
tuck away造句

tuck away造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 23:24:31


tuck away造句

  • 1、I'm going to give you seven names to research andtuck away until you can buy them at reasonable prices.(我要给你提供7只股票去研究、去收藏,到了价钱合适的时候去买。)
  • 2、When the train begins to roll away from the bright lights of Bangkok, pop open your wine and tuck into your supper.(当列车驶出灯如白昼的曼谷时,你可以打开葡萄酒瓶享用晚餐。)
  • 3、Ice axe safety tuck-away slots.(冰镐安全抱膝客场插槽。) haO86.com
  • 4、For now, Libras of either gender,tuck away all the black you've been wearing, too.(现在,天秤座的人,不论男女,掖了所有的你一直戴着黑了。)
  • 5、Kobe Bryant can grab a court-length pass, allow the final seconds to tick away, tuck the ball under his armpit and then sprint around the floor, leaving sneaker marks.(科比布莱恩特接得住跨越球场的长传;能够控制住比赛局势,让最后的几秒钟在他的手中一点一点地逝去;能够把球夹在腋窝下,在球场上左冲右突如入无人之境,只留下一串球鞋的印记。)
  • 6、Tuck father's present away until his birthday.(把给爸爸的礼物藏起来,到他生日时再拿出来。)
  • 7、This money will come in handy because it appears you'll soon enter into a high spending phase in June and the first half of July, so tuck some away for this period.(6月至7月上半月你有大笔消费,这笔钱恰好派上用场。所以,为这阶段的花费,先存点钱。)
  • 8、You've broken up that gentleman a bit; now you want to tuck him away somewhere. The river, that great hider of folly, is what you want.(你敲了一下这位先生,现在你要把他藏在一个地方,你需要的是河,这是藏祸之处。)
  • 9、His photographic memory enabled him totuck away yards of facts.(他过目不忘的记忆力使他能记下大量事实。)
  • 10、The café will give first place to seafood coming from all over the world.tuck away soft drinks and beers, and celebrate New Year jubilantly!(以来自世界各地的海鲜为主,更有软饮,啤酒无限畅饮,让您喜气洋洋过大年!)
  • 11、Tuck yourself away in a nook here and it may be one of the few places left where you can completely insulate yourself from the outside world.(将自己隐藏在这里的某个角落,或许这是你能与外部世界完全隔绝的有限几个地方之一。)
  • 12、You tuck your secret away in an unexpected place, like an MP3 or a photo file, to conceal the fact you even shared any information at all.(你可以将秘密文字信息隐藏在MP3或者图片格式文档下,于是你就可以瞒天过海了。)
  • 13、Tuck one pant leg into your sock and when queried, answer, "not now" and walk away.(把一个裤管塞进袜子里,当被别人问到的时间,说“不是现在”,然后走开。)
  • 14、How much should youtuck away for a rainy day?(多少你的小卖店距离未雨绸缪?)
  • 15、Funny, the things that will warm your heart when you tuck your manners away long enough to eavesdrop.(放下礼节去偷听他人谈话,却温暖了你的心房,是很滑稽可笑的。)
  • 16、Financial extremes reminds us that when things are in excess it's time totuck away for when The Times are lean.(金融问题提示我们,当事情超出它的时间流逝当时间精益。)
  • 17、Tuck these caves away in natural leftover Spaces, under stairs, under kitchen counters.(把这些洞穴藏在简单自然的富余空间中,比如楼梯下,厨房的柜台里。)
  • 18、It may eventuck away a complete copy of the file that was retrieved, so that it can show you a diff without accessing the server.(它可以从取得的文件的整个拷贝里面大肆翻找,它不连接到服务器就能告诉你差别。)
  • 19、For now, we'll tuck this feature away as nice-to-have but not essential.(就现在而言,我们将去掉这个特性,将其作为“有则更好”,而非必要的特性。)
  • 20、If you're feeling peckish, a few minutes' strolls away is the barbecue buffet, where you can tuck into a vast collection of ribs, salmon, prawns, and salads.(如果您感到饥肠辘辘,步行几分钟就可以看到的自助烧烤摊,那里有排骨、三文鱼、大虾和沙拉,您可以大吃一顿。)
  • 21、The extra income has meant Phillippa cantuck away the rent.(这笔额外的收入意味着菲利帕可以把租金藏起来。)

tuck away基本释义

tuck away

英 [tʌk əˈwei] 美 [tʌk əˈwe] 

