
更新时间:2024-04-26 22:35:04



  • 1、You may want to reinforce your leadership in a market ortrounce a competitive brand.(你也许想巩固自己的某个市场领导地位,或者打败一个竞争品牌。)
  • 2、Portugal recover from a poor first-half totrounce Belgium 4-0 with Carvalho at centre-back and Ferreira at left-back.(葡萄牙从表现欠佳的上半场回勇,以4-0痛击了比利时,卡瓦略出任中卫而费雷拉出任左卫。)
  • 3、Action After losing 4-0 to Spain, Ukraine bounced back totrounce Saudi Arabia by the same score.(在0比4输给西班牙之后,乌克兰在对沙特的比赛里以相同的比分回敬了对手。)
  • 4、Sadly, too many individual investors do not fully exploit these advantages, and never reach their true potential totrounce the market.(可悲的是,太多的个人投资者并没有充分利用这些优势,并没有达到其真正的潜力,以痛打市场。)
  • 5、Prices go up and they go down, but give stocks enough time and they deliver returns thattrounce those of bonds, real estate, commodities or any other asset class.(价格上涨,股票下跌,但是给予股票充足的时间,它们将带来远高于债券,房地产,日用品或者其他任何类别资产的利润。)
  • 6、Even if it finds no germs to kill, or parasites totrounce, or odors to attack, it will gradually become two molecules of water which are the same as humidifier fog.(即使没有找到需要杀死细菌或寄生虫,或者需要去除的气味,它将逐渐分解成两分子像增湿器的雾一样的水汽。)
  • 7、Now, I'll show you how totrounce your husband.(来,我来教你怎么打败你丈夫。)
  • 8、Sahar scores his first international goals, coming off the bench as Israeltrounce Estonia 4-0, poaching the third and firing home the fourth from outside the area.(萨哈尔以替补身份取得了首个国家队入球,在以色列以4-0痛击爱沙尼亚一仗中,偷袭取得比赛第三个入球和在禁区外施射打进第四球。)
  • 9、His rise underscores how Goldman has been able totrounce many of its peers.(他的上升凸显出高盛已能打败它的许多同行。)
  • 10、You're lucky. Now, I'll show you how totrounce your husband. You take my advice.(你的运气很好。来,我来教你怎么打败你丈夫。你听我的。)
  • 11、He moped into the schoolyard wishing she were a boy, and imagining how he wouldtrounce her if she were.(他闷闷不乐地走进校园,希望她是个男孩,想象着如果她是个男孩,他会怎样痛打她。)



英 [traʊns] 美 [traʊns] 
过去式: trounced 过去分词: trounced 现在分词: trouncing 第三人称单数: trounces
