
更新时间:2024-04-26 22:34:10



  • 1、unscrew the diaphragm from the compressor.(从压缩装置上拧松隔膜。)
  • 2、unscrew threaded joint securing transmission cross member to body.(拧下将变速器横梁固定到车身的螺纹接头。)
  • 3、unscrew the screw (3) with Allen key, and take out the external skive tool.(用随机附送的内六角扳手松开螺丝(3),拿出外剥刀具。)
  • 4、If youunscrew it, it actually looks like a Siamese twin bulb, with two bases and one head.(如果你拧开它,它看去真的就像连体孪生灯泡,有两个基座,两个灯头。)
  • 5、Simplyunscrew the battery caps or remove the covers to check the level.(只需要拆开或者直接取下蓄电池盖,就可以检查电解液的液面高度。)
  • 6、unscrew the aerator from the faucet, turn the water on at the shutoff valves, and open the faucet.(松开水龙头的透气口,打开总阀送水,打开水龙头。)
  • 7、Heat andunscrew all the cap screws.(将全部有头螺钉加热并拧下来。)
  • 8、You may have tounscrew the gear (3 screws) to access the right hand latch, but I am not sure of that.(也许你需要松开齿轮(3颗螺丝)来卸下右手边的卡子,不过我不是很确定。)
  • 9、I can'tunscrew the lid of this jar.(这个瓶盖儿我拧不开。)
  • 10、unscrew the nut from the service connection of suction line valve and connect the compound pressure gauge.(将真空泵连于复合压力表,打开复合压力表和真空泵对室内机和连接管抽真空。)
  • 11、unscrew high beam bulb, bayonet lock counter-clockwise.(逆时针拧下高光束灯泡、卡扣锁。)
  • 12、unscrew refrigerant line fastening screw for the compressor on the pressure damper.(旋下压力风门上压缩机的制冷剂管路紧固螺钉。)
  • 13、What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb? A: You canunscrew a light bulb.(怀孕的妇女与灯泡有什么区别?答:你可以把灯泡拆卸下来。)
  • 14、unscrew seat cylinder from body and remove entire assembly.(从阀体上拧下阀座圆筒上的螺丝,并拆卸整个总成。)
  • 15、unscrew body halves using open end or adjustable wrench on flats provided.(采用预备好的平头上开口或可调节扳手拧下一半阀体上的螺丝。)
  • 16、And now tounscrew all the screws.(现在就拔螺丝所有螺丝。)
  • 17、You'll have tounscrew the handles to paint the door.(要漆这扇门,你得把螺丝拧开,缷下门把手。)
  • 18、You simplyunscrew the top of the clear phone, pour cola in and watch the chemical process start.(用户只须拧开手机透明外壳的顶端,把可乐倒进去,就可看到化学反应。)
  • 19、To replace the relief valve disc, hold the upper guide fin andunscrew the diaphragm pressure plate.(要更换安全阀阀瓣,握住上部引导翼,旋下隔膜压力板上的螺丝。)
  • 20、unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise.(反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。)
  • 21、To pull the string, the crew has tounscrew it, or break it out, into smaller lengths, or stands.(为了起出钻具,钻井工人要把钻具分解成长度较短的单根或立柱。) haO86.com
  • 22、unscrew the disc-locking nut.(旋开锁住盘片的螺母。)
  • 23、unscrew axle and left axle end, then remove bearing.(释放轴心和左侧的轴端盖子。之后取出轴承。)
  • 24、I can'tunscrew the top of this bottle.(我拧不下这瓶的盖子。)
  • 25、unscrew fastening screws from the sound box.(旋下共鸣器上的紧固螺钉。)



英 [ˌʌnˈskru:] 美 [ʌnˈskru] 
过去式: unscrewed 过去分词: unscrewed 现在分词: unscrewing 第三人称单数: unscrews
