


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:38:09



  • 1、People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly andunhelpful.(人们总抱怨大银行和大公司不友好,也不愿帮助人。)
  • 2、Once again, Mr Erdogan has done someunhelpful things.(埃尔多安又做了些无益的事。)
  • 3、The pact also includes ideas that are not justunhelpful, but also damaging.(这项协议中还包括一些不仅毫无帮助而且具有破坏性的建议。)
  • 4、The check out assistant at my usual supermarket is always rude andunhelpful.(我经常去的超市的收银员总是很粗鲁而且没多大用处。)
  • 5、That seems a rather misleading,unhelpful, way of making your point.(这似乎是误导人,又毫无帮助的阐明论点的方法。)
  • 6、I would get a better tape recorder and drive all over Los Angeles like an untrained,unhelpful social worker.(我要买更好的摄影机,开车经过洛杉矶每一个角落,就像一个青涩、笨手笨脚的社会工作者。)
  • 7、The taxi driver was being veryunhelpful.(那个出租车司机不肯帮忙。)
  • 8、Similarly today, panic is likely butunhelpful.(今日亦然,恐慌可能出现,但无助于事。)
  • 9、Classify all activities and materials you're using as either helpful, neutral orunhelpful in achieving your goal.(把所有的行为和你用到的资料分类为:有用的、中性的或者对达到目标没有帮助的。) Hao86.com
  • 10、Drawing stereotypes about single people or married people is simplyunhelpful.(提出有关单身或已婚者的刻板印象,根本无济于事。)
  • 11、The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completelyunhelpful.(男女同性恋权利团体“石墙”认为揭露同性恋身份是完全无用的。)
  • 12、The long saga of sterling and Europe has also beenunhelpful.(英镑的长期冒险和欧洲也帮不上忙。)
  • 13、India described these remarks asunhelpful.(而印度方面视之为无益的言论。)
  • 14、Such gossip isunhelpful and causing unnecessary fear in our communities.(这些谣言毫无帮助,反而会在社区中制造不必要的恐惧。)
  • 15、Mrs Newburn said she did not agree with Dr Odent that men's presence was alwaysunhelpful.(纽伯恩女士说,她不同意奥顿特博士所说的男人在场总是无益。)
  • 16、Conversely, removing confusing orunhelpful features may draw the ire of the programmers who first developed them.(反过来,去掉一个令人迷惑的活着没有帮助的功能特征可能会引致最初开发这个功能的开发者不满。)
  • 17、When it comes to boys in particular, the data show that single-sex education is distinctlyunhelpful for them.(尤其是讲到男孩,数据显示,单性别教育显然对他们没有帮助。)
  • 18、Many see India asunhelpful by comparison.(通过对比,许多国家认为印度在减排方面漠不关心。)
  • 19、The criticism is both unfair andunhelpful.(这种批评不合理且无益。)
  • 20、He chafes at theunhelpful pressure to wed from his parents and neighbours.(他也感受到来自他父母和邻居的让他结婚的无益的压力。)
  • 21、Allison Pearson blames frightened, cowed andunhelpful parents in the Daily Telegraph, writing.(艾莉森·皮尔森在每日电讯报发表文章,谴责被恐吓的、屈服的、无助的父母,他写道。)
  • 22、These tools can help you win every argument—not in theunhelpful sense of beating your opponents but in the better sense of learning about the issues that divide people.(这些工具可以帮助你赢得每一场争论——不是在无用的意义上打败你的对手,而是在更好的意义上了解人们之间的分歧。)
  • 23、We tend to equate bravery and courage with being fearless, but this is bothunhelpful and inaccurate.(我们尝试使勇敢和勇气与无惧对等,但是这既是没有任何帮助的又是不准确的。)
  • 24、He chafes at theunhelpful pressure to wed from his parents and neighbors.(他对来自父母和邻居的无益的结婚压力感到恼火。)
  • 25、The waiters were rude andunhelpful, the manager ditto.(这些服务员态度生硬,服务不周,经理也一样。)



英 [ʌnˈhelpfl] 美 [ʌnˈhelpfl] 
