


更新时间:2024-06-09 23:32:47



  • 1、I tried to slip up the stairsunnoticed.(我试图神不知鬼不觉地溜上楼梯。)
  • 2、Time Travel May Occurunnoticed.(时间旅行也许在不知不觉间发生。)
  • 3、unnoticed damage could lead to a fire.(没被注意到的损坏可能造成火灾。)
  • 4、One force behind the import-export boom has passed all butunnoticed: the rapidly falling cost of getting goods to market.(谁也没有注意到进出口贸易繁荣的另一个原因:商品抵达市场的运输成本迅速下降。)
  • 5、In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim galaxies that until recently wentunnoticed by astronomers.(除了传统的星系,宇宙中还有一些非常暗淡的星系,直到最近才被天文学家发现。)
  • 6、Such developments have not goneunnoticed at Amazon.com.(这样的开发并没有被亚马逊公司忽略。)
  • 7、But the exercises are passing off almostunnoticed.(但是军事演习几乎悄无声息地进行着。) hAo86.com
  • 8、Their deaths may gounnoticed—sometimes for years.(他们去世却多年无人察觉。)
  • 9、Mr Rijsberman's warnings remainedunnoticed.(MrRijsberman的警报依旧没有引起注意。)
  • 10、This bad news has not goneunnoticed.(坏消息没逃过关注。)
  • 11、These benefits have not goneunnoticed in Europe.(这些利益并没有被欧洲忽视。)
  • 12、The damage to skill and craftsmanship—that's needed to build a complex airliner or a tractor, or for a worker to move up from assembler to machinist to supervisor—went largelyunnoticed.(对技术和工艺的损害——制造一架复杂的飞机或拖拉机,或工人从装配工到机械师再到监督员所需要的技术和工艺——在很大程度上被忽视了。)
  • 13、She hoped to remainunnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him.(她真希望自己没有被发现,但是她白色的外套将她暴露在他面前。)
  • 14、Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work isunnoticed.(母亲们不仅得不到报酬,而且所干的乏味艰辛的活儿也很少被留意。)
  • 15、His kindness did not gounnoticed by his staff.(他的厚道员工了然于心。)
  • 16、I can't pass over this problemunnoticed.(我不能不注意这个问题。)
  • 17、For pictures of people behaving naturally, not posing for the camera, it is essential to shootunnoticed.(要拍摄人物表现自然、不对镜头摆姿式的照片,抓拍很关键。)
  • 18、This method unmasked cases that could have goneunnoticed.(这一方法揭露了一些很可能在忽视中溜走的案例。)
  • 19、Pockets of support that might have goneunnoticed can be ferreted out.(那些过去没被注意的支持者正一批批被发掘出来.)
  • 20、He didn't go entirelyunnoticed, however.(但他也并非被完全忽视。)
  • 21、It is equally possible that the work survived far into the Middle Ages in numerous copies in monastic libraries but wentunnoticed due to lack of interest.(修道院的图书馆里保存了此书的大量副本,但由于人们缺乏兴趣,没有注意到它,这种可能也同样存在。)
  • 22、The possibility has not goneunnoticed.(这一可能的前景已引起关注。)
  • 23、A phantom trading scheme at a Wall Street investment bank wentunnoticed for three years.(一家华尔街投资银行的虚构的交易方案历经3年都未被察觉。)
  • 24、And yet these things go relativelyunnoticed.(这些事情不太引人注意。)
  • 25、He remains there,unnoticed, slumped against the side of the car.(他一直斜靠在车身上,没有人注意到他。)
  • 26、Eighty percent of them are thought to involve small birds like doves and larks, and hence go largelyunnoticed.(它们有百分之八十被认为与小鸟有关,像鸽子和云雀,因此大多没有引起注意。)
  • 27、Opportunities are present all the time, but often they go byunnoticed.(机会无处不在,但经常在人们的忽略中消失。)
  • 28、His departure passedunnoticed.(他神不知、鬼不觉地离开了。)
  • 29、It is equally possible that the work survived far into the Middle Ages in numerous copies in monastic libraries but wereunnoticed due to lack of interest.(这些作品同样可能在修道院图书馆中以数不清的数量存活到中世纪,但由于缺乏兴趣而未被注意。)



英 [ˌʌnˈnəʊtɪst] 美 [ˌʌnˈnoʊtɪst] 
