walk out造句

更新时间:2024-06-02 23:36:59


walk out造句

  • 1、You know that when youwalk out the door.(当你走出房门的时候你就应该知道这一切。)
  • 2、How could shewalk out on her kids?(她怎么能遗弃自己的孩子呢?)
  • 3、Others simplywalk out of the front door into waiting cars.(其他的孩子只是从前门走出,坐上等待在门口的车。)
  • 4、The cell doors slide open and the conswalk out into the main hall.(一般牢房区内的房门打开了,囚犯们走出房门,进入大厅。)
  • 5、I neverwalk out on a job half done.(我做工作从不半途而废。)
  • 6、Threatening towalk out if demands are not met.(威胁如果要求不能得到满足将退出谈判。)
  • 7、Then youwalk out the door, and the meeting's over.(然后你也向门口走,然后会议就结束了。)
  • 8、He would be the best ever towalk out onto the diamond.(他将是棒球场上最出色的球员。)
  • 9、You can't justwalk out on the results of your own hankerings.(你不能只想着你的渴望就能有结果。)
  • 10、Wewalk out of the church, toward the cemetery.(我们走出教堂,走向墓地。)
  • 11、CON: DON't LET DATAwalk out THE door.(反对:别让数据迈出那道门。)
  • 12、Kelly said that being a star was a good way to show herself, and more importantly, it helped herwalk out of the sadness of being disabled.(凯利说,成为明星是展示自己的好方式,更重要的是,它帮助她走出了残疾的悲伤。)
  • 13、"We don't buy clothes we can't try on," she'd say when they declined, and we'dwalk out in Mama's dignified manner.(当他们拒绝时,她会说:“我们不买我们不能试穿的衣服。”而我们会以妈妈庄严的姿态走出去。)
  • 14、As they are about towalk out of your store or office, ask them.(当他们起身正打算离开你们店铺或者你的办公室的时候,问他们;)
  • 15、It's amazing what can happen when youwalk out of the room.(当你走出房门,你会惊异于那些可能会发生的事情的。)
  • 16、The miners were furious and threatened towalk out.(矿工们很愤怒,威胁要罢工。)
  • 17、Someone mightwalk out on a stage and say, "In fair Verona where we lay our scene!" and then tell all about the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet.(可能会有人走到舞台上,说:“在美丽的维罗纳,我们的故事在这里发生!”,然后讲述关于罗密欧与朱丽叶两家不和的所有故事。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 18、walk out of the store, go home, and sleep on it.(走出商店,回家,睡一觉。)
  • 19、I was worried she wouldwalk out or bring the interview to an end.(我担心她会突然退席或者终止采访。)
  • 20、Youwalk out and there's a Roman temple.(你走到外面,发现一座罗马神庙矗立在那里。)
  • 21、Mr Abbas says he'llwalk out of the talks if building resumes.(阿巴斯称,如果恢复修建定居点,他就退出谈判。)
  • 22、It is hard to negotiate with a fellow lawmaker if the next minute youwalk out on the steps and call [him] a weasel.(如果你刚一走出楼梯就称他为黄鼠狼(双关语:狡猾的人),那你很难跟立法者同事进行谈判。)
  • 23、Just think; tomorrow we shallwalk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever.(想像一下,明天我们就要走出这地方,并且永远地离开。)
  • 24、The doors open for count and all the inmateswalk out.(牢房门打开了,开始对囚犯点名,所有犯人走出门来。)
  • 25、If you can wait for me, I'llwalk out with you.(如果您能等我,我想和您一起走。)
  • 26、It was one thing to talk about leaving; it was another to physicallywalk out the door.(说要离开是一回事;真正走出门又是另一回事。)

walk out基本释义

walk out

英 [wɔ:k aut] 美 [wɔk aʊt] 
罢工; 离开; 退席