


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:36:23



  • 1、For whether we are white or copper skinned.(因为不论我们的肤色是白还是古铜色。)
  • 2、Such joy generally ended the moment those of Pleiadian or blue blooded and white skinned inheritance or Reptilian inheritance arrived upon the land.(当昴宿人或蓝血的白人后裔或爬虫族后裔来到地球上时,这样的欢乐就结束了。)
  • 3、It was skinned whole, from the nose to the tip of the tail, and it lay on the market butcher's slab like a white marble statue.(那只狗整个剥了皮,从鼻头到尾巴尖都光溜溜的,躺在市场肉铺的案板上好似一座白色的大理石雕像。)
  • 4、Anyone who has witnessedwhite-skinned creatures in multi-colored clothes should report his sightings.(任何人看到身穿彩衣、皮肤白色的生物都要报告他的目睹(情况)。)
  • 5、I watch the green lines of crops, thewhite-skinned eucalyptus trees, the solitary oaks move past in slow motion.(我看到整齐的绿色田野,长着白树皮的桉树,一棵棵独生的橡树,在眼前缓慢的移动。)
  • 6、The average South African, for example, definitely shouldn't be pale-skinned - only 9.2 per cent of the population define themselves as white.(例如,南非“大众脸”的脸色不应该是白的。在南非,仅有9.2%的民众自认为是白人。)
  • 7、Before the white man reached Australia, the whole continent was peopled with brown-skinned aborigines of the same appearance, following the same way of life, and accepting a similar code of beliefs.(在白人到来之前,整个澳洲大陆都是长着棕色皮肤的土著人的天下;他们沿承一样的生活方式,一样的信仰。)
  • 8、You can see that the people of different countries have different appearances — there are black, yellow, white, and red-skinned people. What did they evolve from?(你看,每一个国家的人民面目各不同,有黑、黄、白、红种人,他们都是什么变的?)
  • 9、Crisp skinned white snapper, green beans, pancetta & asparagus withalmond lemon sauce $36(脆皮白鳟鱼,绿豌豆,意大利培根和芦笋配柠檬杏仁沙司。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、They were white skinned and blue blooded.(他们是白肤绿血的。)
  • 11、The victim's friends claim they were mugged by two dark-skinned kids from the nearby projects, but some witnesses allege the three white men were alone at the scene.(受害者的朋友声称他们遭到两个从附近建筑工地出来的深肤色少年的袭击,但一些目击者坚称除了这三个白人男子,当时街上没有其他人。)
