
sound out造句

sound out造句

更新时间:2024-06-02 23:43:07


sound out造句

  • 1、You can still hear a lot of Dolly on my first records, but I worked hard to get hersound out of my voice.(我开始出的几张唱片中仍能听到很多多莉的声音,不过我努力打造自己的声音。)
  • 2、It's much easier to imitate another speaker than it is tosound out each word according to phonetics in a dictionary!(比起根据字典上的注意读出每个单词,模仿另一个人的说话要容易得多!)
  • 3、They decided tosound out her interest in the project.(他们决定试探一下她对那个项目的兴趣。)
  • 4、In addition to visual tuning via meter, the GA-30 can play reference pitches from its internal speaker (sound out) for tuning by ear.(除了通过视觉调谐米的GA-30可以发挥其内置扬声器(声音输出),供参考球场耳调整。)
  • 5、Others naturally gravitate towards them tosound out ideas; this may be formalized into mentoring or coaching roles.(其他人自然会来找他们寻求点子,这下就有可能变成指导者或教练。)
  • 6、This is going tosound out of place given what I've said above, but it's powerful - if applied correctly.(这就是探寻我上面说的给定的地点,但是它是很有力的——要是运用的合理的话。)
  • 7、She had woken me out of a sound sleep.(她把我从酣睡中叫醒了。)
  • 8、You cannot shut thesound out.(你不能把这种声音堵起来。)
  • 9、In mine, I can't get enoughsound out of it!(但是换成我来演奏,则得不到足够的音量。)
  • 10、This orotund inside manysound out for several cents and impatient.(这次声音里多了几分试探和不耐烦。)
  • 11、Speculation in Spain today suggests Milan representatives have travelled to Barcelona tosound out the European champs about both players' availability.(西班牙媒体推测今天米兰的代表人已经到达了巴塞罗纳来与新科欧洲冠军联系这两位球员的转会问题。)
  • 12、Acts 2:2 and suddenly there was asound out of heaven, as of a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.(徒二2忽然从天上有响声下来,好像一阵暴风刮过,充满了他们所坐的整个屋子。)
  • 13、The band doesn'tsound out of tune to me, but then I've no ear for music.(对我来说,乐队没有走调,不过我没有欣赏音乐的才能。)
  • 14、Once, when someone asked him how he managed to get a certain specialsound out of the piano, Monk pointed to the keyboard and said: "It can't be any new note."(有一次﹐当有人问他是如何从钢琴中取得那种特殊音韵。孟克指著键盘说:“不可能有任何新的音符。”) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、But as bankerssound out investors, they had better be prepared to give a lot of ground.(但在银行家试探投资者之时,最好拿出有力的理由。)
  • 16、But I do worry about wandering too far off the beaten path in a country where I don't speak the language and can't evensound out the signs.(我非常担心去我不熟悉的语言的国家甚至在那我都打听不到标志。)
  • 17、We'll have tosound out the opposition before we decide what action to take.(在我们采取行动以前,我们得探探反对派的口气。)
  • 18、When faced with tough questions like these, take a deep breath, slow down and thensound out your thinking process aloud and walk the interviewer through how you get to an answer.(专家建议:“当考试的时候面对这些稀奇古怪的考题的时候,先深呼吸,放慢节奏,理清思路,自信地走到评委前面,说出你的第一反应你的答案。”)
  • 19、"Is the Yan Yan you?" It takes to light and softlysound out in his intonation.(“颜颜,是不是你?”他口气中带着轻柔的试探。)
  • 20、ARCHITECTS aiming to create rooms with crowd-pleasing acoustics could soon rely on a pair of virtual ears tosound out their designs.(建筑学家总是想设计出群众满意的声学环境房屋,但设计是否理想,不久就可借助虚拟耳朵来进行验证了。)
  • 21、All I ask is your word, Cap'n Smollett, to let me safe andsound out of this here stockade, and one minute to get out o' shot before a gun is fired.(我只要求你一句话,斯莫列特船长,就是保证我平安无事地从这个寨子出去,请迟一分钟开枪,让我走出射程。)
  • 22、sound out mode generates a reference tone to which you can tune your instrument.(试探模式生成一个参考的口气,你可以调整你的乐器。)
  • 23、Some young children will learn to "sound out" words, but this is not true reading.(一些年轻的孩子将学习“试探”的话,但这并不是真正的阅读。)
  • 24、You shouldsound out public opinion.(你该试探民意。)

sound out基本释义

sound out

英 [saund aut] 美 [saʊnd aʊt] 
试探; 打听