


更新时间:2024-06-09 23:37:06



  • 1、You might hope that the columnists of this article can leisurely cross the Panama Canal bysteamship.(你或许希望这篇文章的专栏作家能悠闲地坐着轮船穿越巴拿马运河。)
  • 2、The excrement treatment device is particularly suitable for locomotive orsteamship drivers.(该粪尿处理设备尤其适合机车或轮船司机使用。)
  • 3、On August 11, 1807, the first commercialsteamship traveled up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany.(1807年8月11日,第一艘商业蒸汽船从纽约市沿哈德逊河逆流而上,驶往阿尔巴尼。)
  • 4、My father prospered perceptibly, as witness the garage, the Ford, the trips by train andsteamship.(我的父亲明显地发达了,有了车库和福特车,坐火车和轮船出差。)
  • 5、It is suited to various petrol and diesel engines, such as automobiles, tractors,steamship, and so on.(适用于各种汽油及柴油发动机使用,如汽车、拖拉机及汽船等。)
  • 6、The first development in modern transportation was thesteamship.(现代交通的第一次发展是蒸汽船。)
  • 7、The bigsteamship companies also helped industry to get more of the new workers.(大轮船公司也协助业界获得更多的新工人。)
  • 8、One thousand passengers from the bigsteamship are on shore.(这艘大船上的一千人现在在岸上。)
  • 9、Jukes, "answered the Captain," and a full -poweredsteamship has got to face it.(麦克·沃尔船长回答道,“一艘动力充足的轮船必须面对风暴。”)
  • 10、The time is 1905. Asteamship sails on a vast ocean.(时间是在一九○五年,一艘汽船航行在浩瀚的大海上。)
  • 11、Asteamship fire that swept through the General Slocum in New York harbor killed some 1 030 people.(纽约港内的一艘汽船失火,大火席卷“斯洛克姆将军号”游艇,约1030人遇难。)
  • 12、Thesteamship veered around for the port.(轮船掉头返航。)
  • 13、According to thesteamship company, the freight has not been paid yet, What's going on?(据轮船公司反应,运费还没有支付,发生了什么事?)
  • 14、Since the damage was due to the rough handling by thesteamship company, you should claim on it for recovery of the loss.(既然损坏是因轮船公司野蛮搬运所致,你们应向它们索赔来挽回损失。)
  • 15、A fast modernsteamship can make the trip in less than four days.(现在用现代的快轮用不了四天就能完成这段航程。)
  • 16、The return may be made on the samesteamship.(可乘同一艘汽船当天回来。)
  • 17、Asteamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.(船一种蒸汽船,带有圆形的船头和上甲板以遮蔽雨水。)
  • 18、The designer put asteamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach.(设计师把一个蒸汽轮船的模型放在桌上,招呼助手们走近。)
  • 19、Bridge crane is the main tool used to load and unload goods fromsteamship.(桥机是港口进行装卸货的主要工具。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、Only four years later, the firststeamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean.(仅仅四年之后,第一艘蒸汽船横渡了大西洋。)
  • 21、Asteamship moored to its berth at the pier.(一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊。)
  • 22、On the long-roofedsteamship piers one is in a country that is no longer here and not yet there.(站在有着长长的顶篷的轮船码头上,人就犹如置身于一个四处漂泊的国度。)
  • 23、He telephoned thesteamship office to find out what time the steamer is due.(他打电话到轮船公司办公室询问轮船何时到达。)
  • 24、You can enjoy trip bysteamship.(你可以坐轮船观光。)
  • 25、The maiden voyage of the newly-builtsteamship was a success.(那艘新造轮船的处女航是成功的。)
  • 26、Fairweathersteamship Co. , Ltd.(友航轮船有限公司…)
  • 27、It is a sailing ship, not asteamship.(这是一艘帆船,而非汽船。)
  • 28、The last batch per/ex/by S.S. "Victoria" will arrive at London on October 1. (S.S. =steamship)(由“维多利亚”轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于10月1日抵达伦敦。)



英 [ˈsti:mʃɪp] 美 [ˈstimˌʃɪp] 
