


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:42:13



  • 1、For CI builds,storyteller includes a command line runner that can be executed from any build tool that supports shelling out to the command line.(对于CI构建,storyteller包含一个命令行工具,可以在任何支持命令行的构建工具中使用。)
  • 2、Yes, the Greatstoryteller has adventure for us.Sometimes it's adventure like we read about in our favorite books.(是的,在《传奇说书人》中,给我们讲述了冒险故事,但是冒险是像我们在最喜爱的读物中读到的一样。)
  • 3、I'm not a choreographer, I'm actually a filmmaker, astoryteller.(我不是一个舞蹈家,我也不是舞编,我其实是一个拍电影的,一个讲故事的。)
  • 4、On television, Mister Sagan was a goodstoryteller. He was able to explain complex scientific ideas in simple ways.(在电视上,萨根先生是一位非常善于讲故事的人,他能够用非常简单的方法将非常复杂的科学原理讲清楚。)
  • 5、Everystoryteller, or, maybe every town, might have had a slightly different version of the same folktale.(每一个讲故事的人,或者在每一个城镇,关于同一个民间田的版本都可能又细微差别。)
  • 6、Cucumber is a Ruby tool that seeks to solve the same problems asstoryteller, but with different mechanics.(Cucumber是一个Ruby工具,它与storyteller要解决的问题是一样的,但是机制不一样。)
  • 7、Join us for a morning of fun activities based on books and reading, hosted bystoryteller Terri Adams.(作家泰瑞·亚当斯主持的有趣的读书活动之晨,快来加入吧。)
  • 8、Dahl was a consummatestoryteller.(达尔是一个完美的讲故事的人。)
  • 9、Asstoryteller, Jackson hits hardest on the theme of traditions, and how hard they die even when pointlessly damaging.(作者杰克森借此故事抨击了那些毫无意义的、害人的“传统”,同时又指出革除它们是多么困难。)
  • 10、Mary is also astoryteller.(玛丽也是个讲故事的人。)
  • 11、He was ourstoryteller.(他是我们的说书人。)
  • 12、And Hollywood is less ashamed of its role as globalstoryteller than it used to be.(而好莱坞对其扮演的全球说书人一角,不像过去那么羞愧了。)
  • 13、You're astoryteller.(你是个讲故事的能手。)
  • 14、His new book shows him to be a first-ratestoryteller.(他的新著表明他讲故事的本领是一流的。)
  • 15、This chapter will teach you how to be a goodstoryteller — one of the most important skills you need to be a strong recruiter for your campaign.(这一个章节是教你如何成为一个讲故事能手——为你的活动招聘人员最重要的技能之一。)
  • 16、I will help you, you are a good hardworking man, and you are a goodstoryteller.(我会帮你的,你是一个刻苦工作的好人,你也是一个讲故事好手。)
  • 17、Folktales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they've been passed down orally fromstoryteller tostoryteller since ancient times.(就像民间传说一样,民间故事是从古至今口耳相传的想象力丰富的故事。)
  • 18、Become a masterstoryteller.(成为讲故事的高手。)
  • 19、One thing I learned after listening to Paul speaking about the book last summer: he's a greatstoryteller.(在去年夏天我听Paul讲关于这本书之后学到的一件事情就是:他是一个伟大的说书人。)
  • 20、One of the most enticing roles we lead in life is that of astoryteller.(我们在生活中最迷人的一个角色,就是作为一个讲述者。)
  • 21、Everything aboutstoryteller is "XCopy deployable."(storyteller中的一切都是“可xcopy部署”的。)
  • 22、Fairy tales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they have been passed down orally, fromstoryteller tostoryteller.(民间故事是像民间传说那样的幻想的故事,它们也是口耳相传的,从一代故事讲述者传给下一代。)
  • 23、In the case of folktales, eachstoryteller would specify a particular location and time, though the time and location would differ for differentstorytellers.(在民间故事中,每个讲故事的人都会指定一个特定的地点和时间,尽管时间和地点会因讲故事的人不同而发生改变。)
  • 24、He's such a goodstoryteller that you can't put down his books.(它是一个优秀的故事作者以致于你翻看他的书就停不下来了。)
  • 25、With fairy tales, however, the location is generally unspecified, no matter who thestoryteller is.(然而,在童话故事中,不管讲故事的人是谁,故事发生的地点一般都是不具体的。)
  • 26、His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a goodstoryteller.(他对人类行为微妙之处的极大兴趣使他成为一个好的作家。) Hao86.com



英 [ˈstɔ:ritelə(r)] 美 [ˈstɔriˌtɛlɚ, ˈstor-] 
名词: storytelling
