
更新时间:2024-04-26 22:38:05



  • 1、When a two-ton predator caughtsurfer Todd Endris in its jaws, an unlikely group of swimmers came to his rescue.(当一个两吨重的食肉动物用它的大口咬住了ToddEndris时,一群让人意想不到的海中泳者救了他。)
  • 2、The shark now had thesurfer by the right thigh and appeared to be trying to swallow his leg whole.(鲨鱼现在咬住了冲浪者的右大腿,好像要把他的腿整吞了。)
  • 3、Asurfer braves the cold to take advantage of the Cornish winter waves on January 20, 2011 in Polzeath, England.(2011年1月20号,在英格兰珀尔·泽斯,冲浪者冒着严寒在尽情享受科纳什冬季海浪。)
  • 4、surfer Jonathan Beard, 31, of Brisbane, was bitten on the leg but managed to paddle to shore.(31岁的布里斯本冲浪者乔纳森·比尔德被咬中腿部,但是他努力的游回了海滩。)
  • 5、But he sleeps in a van he co-owns with anothersurfer and they both frequently panhandle tourists for money.(但他却住在和另一个冲浪员共有的一个货车里,他们俩总是向游客讨钱。)
  • 6、The island is called Ada Bojana, and the area is quickly becoming a party destination for the youngsurfer set.(现在这个海岛在年轻冲浪者中迅速走热。)
  • 7、2Langebaan, South Africa — Asurfer rides in the barrel of a wave off the west coast of South Africa.(朗厄班,南非(LangebaanSouthAfrica):一冲浪者正在南非西海岸的冲天巨浪中驾驭海浪。)
  • 8、The head of the site, Catherine Mackey, a transplant from Pfizer’s laboratories in Connecticut, has become an avid early-morningsurfer.(这个研究站的负责人,凯瑟琳•麦琪(CatherineMackey)(从辉瑞康涅狄格实验室借调过去)已经是一个早晨冲浪的爱好者。)
  • 9、Whensurfer I usually like writing my blog.(上网时我通常喜欢写我的博客。)
  • 10、Sea seems to be his home for asurfer.(对于冲浪者来说大海就像他们的家。)
  • 11、Attempting to force the shark to release him, thesurfer slugged it on the snout over and over.(冲浪者不断重击它的鼻子,试图让白鲨放开他。)
  • 12、Every websurfer, in the course of his or her browsing, has been forced to stop and perform this weird little task.(每一个互联网用户在浏览的过程中,都不得不停下来完成一个奇怪的小任务。)
  • 13、In 1996,surfer Magazine named Jesse one of the top up-and-coming wave riders in the world.(在1996年,surfer《冲浪》杂志称Jesse是世界上最有前途的冲浪者之一。)
  • 14、Not stated (but guessed from many) is, that the IP of thissurfer will be recorded and delivered to the BKA, to investigate further.(尽管没有任何官方声明,但许多人怀疑此类访问者的IP将会被记录在案并发送给德国刑警局(BKA)以做进一步调查。)
  • 15、So what distinguishes an Internet addict from a casualsurfer?(那么网络成瘾者和一般上网者有何不同呢?)
  • 16、Thesurfer swung his fists, hoping he'd get lucky and hit an eye.(冲浪者挥舞着拳头,希望可以幸运地击中鲨鱼眼睛。)
  • 17、Peruviansurfer Domingo Pianezzi rides a wave with his alpaca Pisco at San Bartolo beach in Lima.(利马,圣巴托罗海滩。羊驼Pisco和他的秘鲁主人冲浪高手多明戈正在潇洒地弄潮。)
  • 18、We didn't needsurfer dudes to tell us that it was interesting.(我们并不需要花花公子杜福来告诉我们,它是如此引人入胜的。)
  • 19、That is, the chance that a random Internetsurfer will find a blog that is part of the long tail is nearly zero.(那就是说,一个互联网冲浪者随机发现的博客只涉及了博客世界长尾里的一部份,而找到你的博客,机率更几乎接近零。)
  • 20、Still, that can run into money for a heavy user or slowsurfer.(不过对于经常上网或是喜欢在网上闲逛的人来说还是会花上不少钱。)
  • 21、Being southern Californian to the core, there was an air of thesurfer about him.(作为一个地道的南部加州佬,巴沙尔身上洋溢着冲浪者的浪漫气质。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、Both asurfer and an OTP engineer are looking for a wave with a lot of energy to them.(冲浪者和海洋科技能源的工程师都在寻找能量巨大的海浪。)
  • 23、Everysurfer, fisherman and diver has far more chance of being killed by bees, drunk drivers, teenage car thieves and lightning.(任何一个冲浪者,渔夫还有潜水者有更大的可能会由于蜜蜂袭击,酒后驾驶,年青的偷车贼以及雷电的袭击而致死。)
  • 24、The people in thesurfer process may extricate temporarily from the intense life.(人们在上网的过程中,可以暂时从紧张的生活中解脱出来。)



英 [ˈsɜ:fə(r)] 美 [ˈsɜ:rfər] 
