
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:25:23



  • 1、Tootimorous to protest the disrespect with which she WAS being treated, the young woman could only accept it with resignation.(这个年轻的女人太懦弱了以致无力抗争她所遭受的不敬,她只能接受这一事实。)
  • 2、Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be tootimorous.(一些代表认为这份最后的声明可能有些过于畏首畏尾的感觉。)
  • 3、In 1769 the first of thetimorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”.(1769年,胆小的诗人汤姆斯•格雷,第一次站在湖区的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大的高山”。)
  • 4、I amtimorous girl, and dont know how to deal with the baby kissers like you.(我是一个胆小(timorous)的女孩,不知道怎样和你这样假惺惺的人(babykisser)打交道。)
  • 5、Root of wash'd sweet-flag!timorous pond-snipe! Nest of guarded.(你将是雨水冲洗过的甜菖蒲草根!胆怯的池鹬!看守着双。)
  • 6、Whenever or wherever I see you next time I won't betimorous or evasive.(每当或下次无论我在何处看见你我将不会是胆怯的或逃避的。)
  • 7、I looked withtimorous joy towards a stately house: I saw a blackened ruin.(我带着怯生生的喜悦朝堂皇的府第看去,我看到了一片焦黑的废墟。)
  • 8、Finally, Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, called the cat inside, and thetimorous trespasser disappeared back into the woods.(最后,杰克的主人唐娜迪克唤回了杰克猫,那只胆怯的入侵者才回头消失在了树林里。) hAo86.com
  • 9、He was the mosttimorous person in that event.(在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。)
  • 10、Yet the image oftimorous investors resisting risk is not quite right.(但风险厌恶投资者胆怯的形象似乎是不太恰当的。)
  • 11、timorous Tom almost always broke into tears.(易受惊吓的Tome几乎总是突然放声大哭…)
  • 12、She is astimorous as a rabbit.(他是个胆小的、没勇气的可怜虫。。)
  • 13、Timid or fearful;timorous.(恐惧或胆怯的;)
  • 14、He is a reclusive,timorous creature.(他是个离群索居且胆怯的人。)
  • 15、For love is respectful, andtimorous. (No. 97)(爱是尊敬的也是胆小的。)
  • 16、Someone who is addicted to the cruelty of devouringtimorous vegetarians, their heirs and assigns.(沉溺于残酷地吞食那些胆小的素食者及其子嗣的人。)



英 [ˈtɪmərəs] 美 [ˈtɪmərəs] 
副词: timorously 名词: timorousness
