
the Shaolin Temple造句

the Shaolin Temple造句

更新时间:2024-06-09 23:34:55


the Shaolin Temple造句

  • 1、The film is the first since Jet Li's to be allowed to shoot on location inthe Shaolin Temple.(这部电影也是自李连杰的《少林寺》之后第一部被允许在少林寺取景拍摄的电影。)
  • 2、Or KongFu andthe Shaolin Temple?(功夫和少林寺?)
  • 3、He points out that martial arts had existed in China for centuries beforethe Shaolin Temple began practicing kung fu.(武术在中国源远流长,早在少林寺建成之前中国人就已开始习武。)
  • 4、The picture above shows a group of New Zealand Wushu athletes posing in front ofthe Shaolin Temple.(上图为一些新西兰武术运动员在少林寺山门前合影留念。)
  • 5、A crane is sillouetted nearthe Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, October 2, 2011.(河南少林寺旁,起重机的侧影。摄于2011年20月2日。)
  • 6、A kid rushed intothe Shaolin Temple and defeated some monks as proof he was qualified for being a disciple of Shaolin Abbot.(一个小孩冲进少林寺,击败了一些僧侣证明他是合格的少林方丈的信徒。)
  • 7、Althoughthe Shaolin Temple in Berlin is small, its reach is long.(虽然柏林的少林寺很小,但影响范围很广。)
  • 8、What do you think of the IPO ofthe Shaolin Temple Limited Corporation?(少林寺股份有限公司要上市了,你怎么看?)
  • 9、The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the "primary ancestor" of China Buddhism Zen andthe Shaolin Temple had named the "ancestor court"of Zen by praiseful.(佛教界称达摩为中国佛教禅宗的“初祖”,少林寺被誉为禅宗的“祖庭”。)
  • 10、Thee second leg, we come to shaolin temple,the Shaolin Temple in henan dengfeng county north, where the songshan is one of the famous mountains in China.(第二站我们到了少林寺,少林寺在河南省登封县北,那里的嵩山是我国的名山之一。)
  • 11、A sea of tourists walks passedthe Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.(河南少林寺中游人如潮。)
  • 12、It'sthe Shaolin Temple in Henan.(这是河南的少林寺。)
  • 13、These movements are said to have merged with self-defense tactics studied inthe Shaolin Temple.(据说这些动作融合了他在少林寺研究的防身术。)
  • 14、Many times the master had told Hu about awakening from dreams in which his martial arts ancestors, long-dead monks fromthe Shaolin Temple, visited him.(大师曾对胡政生无数次讲起自己从梦中惊醒的故事,在梦中,老人的那些功夫前辈即早已作古的少林寺和尚们来探望他。) haO86.com
  • 15、Monks file to prayer inthe Shaolin Temple.(少林寺中的和尚们在列队祷告。)
  • 16、Buddhism. After his visit tothe Shaolin Temple in 1984, he shut himself up on Chongqing's Gele.(在1984年游览少林寺后,他就开始独自一人呆在重庆歌乐山上研读佛经。)
  • 17、Where isthe Shaolin Temple located?(请问少林寺位于哪里?)
  • 18、Thousands of tourists come to viewthe Shaolin Temple every year.(每年都有成千上万的游客来参观少林寺。)
  • 19、'the Shaolin Temple is only a building,' says Kang Gewu, the secretary-general of the Chinese Wushu Association.(中国武术协会(ChineseWushuAssociation)秘书长康戈武表示,少林寺不过是座寺庙。)
  • 20、I've been a lot of places but being atthe Shaolin Temple has brought a tear to my eye.(我去过不少地方,但到了少林寺,我激动得泪水都在眼睛里打转了。)
  • 21、There are a lot of a lot of people,the Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of the shaolin martial arts.(那里有很多很多的人,少林寺是少林武术的发源地。)

the Shaolin Temple基本释义
