
the South Pole造句

the South Pole造句

更新时间:2024-06-09 23:34:52


the South Pole造句

  • 1、So together, he and the penguin would row tothe South Pole.(于是,小男孩决定,他要和小企鹅一起划船到南极去。)
  • 2、We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater, known asthe South Pole-Aitken Basin.(理论上,我们可以通过研究一个名为南极-艾特肯盆地的巨大陨石坑来做到这一点。)
  • 3、Another experimenter, Hamner, however, discovered that hamsters from California maintain their original rhythms even atthe South Pole.(然而,另一名实验人员哈姆纳发现,即使在南极,来自加利福尼亚的仓鼠也能保持它们原来的节奏。)
  • 4、Huge sections of the ice aroundthe South Pole of Mars are melting in this summer's warm weather.(在这个夏日炎热的天气里,火星南极周围的巨大冰面正融化。)
  • 5、In January 1910, Shirase put his plans before Japanese government officials, promising to raise the flag atthe South Pole within three years.(1910年1月,Shirase将他的计划提交给日本政府官员,承诺在三年内在南极竖起国旗。)
  • 6、In the race tothe South Pole, there was a Japanese team attempting to be first, led by heroic explorer Nobu Shirase.(在前往南极的比赛中,有一支由英勇的探险家NobuShirase带领的日本队伍全力争夺第一名。)
  • 7、Another idea is that the earth will turn upside down.So the North Pole will becomethe South Pole.(另外一个观点认为,地球会上下颠倒,北极会变成南极。)
  • 8、the South Pole would be the check point on circuit, snatching the data from space, processing them in computers and relaying them to the rest of the world.(南极将是轨迹的检查点,从太空中获取数据,用电脑处理,然后将数据传送到世界其他地方。)
  • 9、A year later, so did the ground-based Degree Angular Scale Interferometer atthe South Pole.(一年以后,位于南极的陆基角度度量干涉仪也做了同样的测量。)
  • 10、Atthe South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero.(而在另一端的南极,冬天的平均气温则在零下73度左右。)
  • 11、Scott and his crew stayed at the hut before their ill-fated Terra Nova expedition tothe South Pole in January 1912.(在1912年1月,斯科特和他的船员在命运不佳的TerraNova探险队前往南极之前,他们一直住在那个小木屋里。)
  • 12、Quickly he turned the boat around and headed back tothe South Pole as fast as he could.(他赶紧掉转船头,用尽所有的力气拼命地往南极划回去。)
  • 13、New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean, halfway between the equator andthe South Pole.(新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间。)
  • 14、New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator andthe South Pole.(新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间。)
  • 15、As Amundsen reckoned, if he wonthe South Pole, fame as well as financing of future exploration would be secured.(正如阿蒙森所料,如果他成功问鼎南极,不管是名誉还是将来探险的资金都能够得到保证。)
  • 16、Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors atthe South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.(天体物理学家利用南极陆基探测器和球载仪器工作,正在对这些云系进行观测,也许不久会报告他们的观测结果。)
  • 17、When Scott reachedthe South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him.(斯科特到达南极时发现阿蒙森已先到过那里。)
  • 18、You always have to go all the way from the North Pole tothe South Pole.(你必须经过南北极点的。)
  • 19、Captain Scott had reachedthe South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back.(斯科特上尉在1912年初到达南极,但他却与四个同伴死在了在返回途中。)
  • 20、Winningthe South Pole, however, was not to be taken for granted.(然而,成功问鼎南极闭关不是一件理所当然的事。)
  • 21、Five members of Scott's expedition made it tothe South Pole.(斯科特率领的探险队的五名成员一直来到了南极。)
  • 22、The next morning he discovered that penguins come fromthe South Pole.(第二天早上,他终于查到,原来企鹅是从南极来的啊。)
  • 23、The clock started ticking atthe South Pole on January 1.(一月一日在南极,钟表开始计时,发出滴答的声响。) hAo86.com
  • 24、Measurements taken overthe South Pole reflect changes in the mass of the Antarctic ice sheets.(南极地区的数据反映了南极冰盖质量的变化。)

the South Pole基本释义