
the present day造句

the present day造句

更新时间:2024-05-26 23:30:56


the present day造句

  • 1、It also captures the social mores ofthe present day.(影片也捕捉到了现今的社会风俗。)
  • 2、People inthe present day have got over Kant and his philosophy: everybody wants to get further.(现今我们已超出康德哲学,每个人都想推进他的哲学。)
  • 3、I do not likethe present day.(我不喜欢现在的日子。)
  • 4、From 1800 tothe present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively.(从1800年到现在,教科书都是这样做的:提出问题,让学生归纳性地回答。)
  • 5、This wide-ranging introduction to the study of autobiography offers a historical overview of autobiographical writing from St Augustine tothe present day.(这本自传研究的广泛介绍提供了从圣奥古斯丁到今天的自传写作的历史概述。)
  • 6、By William Gibson. With this book, Gibson starts a new series, set inthe present day.(作者同样是威廉吉布森,在这个故事里,吉布森开始了对当代社会的一系列描述。)
  • 7、Scientists studied a random group of 10, 317 college students from their graduation in 1957 untilthe present day.(科学家随机抽取了10317名大学生作为研究对象,并跟踪调查了他们从1957年毕业后到现在的情况。)
  • 8、However, few other matrilineal splits from the first 100, 000 years of the species's history have survived tothe present day.(然而,10万年之前人类历史上的其他的母系分群几乎没有存活至今的。)
  • 9、A characteristic arrow point was found and first described nearthe present day town of Clovis, NM.(一个典型的箭头在今天的新墨西哥的克洛维斯镇被发现,这是第一次有描述。)
  • 10、From the Incas tothe present day, humanity has made little impression here.(从印加时期至今,人类在此几乎没有留下任何足迹。)
  • 11、the present day interstellar dust is weighed by measuring the intensity and color of emission at longer infrared wavelengths.(至今星际尘埃是通过测量长于红外线的波长的强度和发光颜色来权衡。)
  • 12、Bak Kut Teh has its origin in port Klang area ofthe present day Malaysia, during British colonial administration.(肉骨茶最早出现在英国殖民统治下的巴生港,位于今天的马来西亚。)
  • 13、Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times tothe present day.(她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。)
  • 14、Seizethe present day, trusting tomorrow as little as maybe.(抓住今天,尽可能少信耐明天。)
  • 15、Both are very much concerned with the Soviet legacy forthe present day, although their approaches could hardly be more different.(两位教授都很关注苏联对现今的影响,尽管他们的研究方法并没有多大的不同。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 16、The end of the drought, however, was followed by the appearance of many new matrilines that survive tothe present day.(在干旱结束时,紧接着出现了很多新的母系族群,他们存活下来直到今天。)
  • 17、Seizethe present day and trust the tomorrow as little as possible.(抓住今天,尽可能少信赖明天。)
  • 18、They have begun to piece together the whole history of the universe, from the big bang tothe present day.(他们已着手把宇宙从大爆炸至今的历史拼接起来。)
  • 19、Don't let the future distract you fromthe present day.(不要让未来分散今天的注意力。)
  • 20、If economic and trade cooperation representsthe present day, cultural and educational exchanges mean the future.(如果说经贸合作代表着今天,那么文化和教育交流就意味着未来。)
  • 21、But as we approachthe present day he becomes more hot-tempered.(但当我们接近今天,他变得更为暴躁易怒。)
  • 22、What is interesting are the long-term implications that resonate tothe present day.(有趣之处在于这一切长期以来对现在造成的深远影响。)
  • 23、The timeline shows important events from the Earth's creation tothe present day.(该年表列出了从地球诞生迄今的重要事件。)
  • 24、Through natural selection over thousands of years, these characteristics continue tothe present day.(经过数千年的物竞天择,这些特征延续至今。)
  • 25、People left behind by history are often those who find coping withthe present day most difficult.(被历史遗忘的通常是那些认为现今是最难对付的人。)

the present day基本释义

the present day

英 [ðə ˈprezənt dei] 美 [ði ˈprɛznt de] 
