


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:39:11



  • 1、Reduce tissue damage: nonusetourniquet, less or not suturing the muscle of the stump;(②减少组织损伤:不使用止血带,少缝扎肌肉断端;)
  • 2、Do I need to make atourniquet out of a hotdog bun and a twig?(我该用热狗面包跟树枝帮你做止血带吗?)
  • 3、Results The rate of successful hemostasis achieved bytourniquet and HA spray was 90%, 30% by finger compression and HA spray, and only 10% by direct HA spray.(结果止血带组的止血成功率为90%,指压法组的止血成功率30%,单纯喷止血气雾剂的止血成功率为10%。)
  • 4、Atourniquet should never be used.(决不要使用止血带。)
  • 5、I made atourniquet and was able to stop her wrists from bleeding.(我弄了条止血带,能让她的手停止流血。)
  • 6、She lay one fifty-three down on his side and tied a rubbertourniquet around his front leg.(她把153号小狗放倒侧躺,在它的前脚上绑了条橡胶止血带。)
  • 7、She gently placed atourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek.(一滴泪滑落了她的脸颊,她在我的前腿温柔的放了止血带。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 8、The wound is washed out and thetourniquet released to achieve a good haemostasis.(清洗伤口,松开止血带以彻底止血。)
  • 9、Still, it remains to be seen whether thetourniquet will hold. Even after the new plan, Greece will have a staggering load of debt.(然而止血带能否承受压力尚待分晓。即使新计划得以实施,希腊仍将面临巨额债务负担。)
  • 10、BOB DOUGHTY: In the past, people were advised to stop severe bleeding with atourniquet.(在过去,人们都劝停止严重出血的止血带。此设备是用一根棍子和一张布或带。)
  • 11、The changes of plasma endothelin (et) level of thetourniquet shocked rats, and the therapeutic effects of ET-antiserum were observed.(本文在大鼠止血带休克模型上观察血浆内皮素水平变化,和内皮素抗血清的治疗作用。)
  • 12、Yeah. Got it. What about the guy with the leg, thetourniquet?(好的,那个腿上绑着止血带的人呢?)
  • 13、Sterile pneumatictourniquets are available for operations about the elbow, and the limb may be prepared and draped before thetourniquet is applied.(肘部周围的手术可使用无菌气囊止血带,在应用前肢体可先进行皮肤消毒、铺单。)
  • 14、She prepared to undo the band of cloth around his arm which had served astourniquet.(她准备解开缠在他胳臂上止血的布带。)
  • 15、Do thetourniquet first. I'm losing too much blood.(先止血,我流太多血了。)
  • 16、I don't think the cloth bandages can stop the bleeding. What we need is atourniquet.(我不认为布绷带可以止血,我们需要止血带。)
  • 17、The father raised himself up on an elbow, saw that his left arm was free of thetourniquet, and bandaged, and turned to the doctor.(父亲用一个胳膊肘支撑起身体,看到右胳膊上的止血器和绷带都不见了,于是转向大夫。)
  • 18、Duringthe period of the study, this was done beforetourniquet release.(进行研究时,在使用松止血带情况下进行以上操作。)
  • 19、Atourniquet should be applied by an experienced person and not delegated to someone who does not understand its use.(止血带的应用必须由有经验的人来进行,而不能交给那些不懂它的用法的人来代替操作。)
  • 20、Atourniquet may be left in place for one or two hours without causing damage.(在不造成伤害的情况下,使用止血带一到两个小时。)
  • 21、Thetourniquet should occlude venous and lymphatic return.(止血带应阻断静脉及淋巴回流。)
  • 22、Twist thetourniquet tighter.(把止血带扎紧点。)
  • 23、I need atourniquet and some ice.(我需求(需要)止血带和冰。)
  • 24、That will work as atourniquet.(就和止血带的功用一样了。)
  • 25、Pneumatictourniquet was used in control group and Dopplertourniquet was used in observation group, and the effect of application was observed.(目的:探讨多普勒止血带与气囊止血带在四肢手术患者中的应用效果。)
  • 26、Methods High ligation of GSV combined with PFS with the assist oftourniquet and exsanguination was performed in 126 patients (156 affected limbs).(方法止血带、驱血带辅助下采用大隐静脉高位结扎点式剥脱术治疗大隐静脉曲张病人126例共156条患肢。)
  • 27、A thightourniquet, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics, and low-molecular-weight heparin anticoagulation were used in all patients.(所有的病人在大腿上应用止血带、预防性应用抗生素、低分子肝素抗凝。)
  • 28、To study the pathogenetic significance of nitric oxide (NO) in rattourniquet shock.(目的探讨一氧化氮(NO)在止血带休克发病学中的意义。)
  • 29、My God! Mytourniquet.(上帝啊!我的止血带。)



英 [ˈtʊənɪkeɪ] 美 [ˈtɜ:rnəkət] 
