
to perfection造句

to perfection造句

更新时间:2024-06-02 23:39:29


to perfection造句

  • 1、Create your own word list and practice themto perfection.(创建您自己的单词表和实践完美。)
  • 2、Perhaps you will see life a lot differently than before, and realize that it is plannedto perfection, even if you cannot see its benefit to you.(也许你会觉得生活比起以前有太多的不同,并且明白它都基于一个完美的计划,即使你无法完全明白它对你们的好处。)
  • 3、From their whispered intimacies on the podium to their cheerful one-hour conversation on the plane beforehand, the event was choreographedto perfection.(从他们在讲台上的亲密耳语到他们之前在飞机上愉快的交谈,一切都是那么完美。)
  • 4、I'm happy with the victory, with my goal and because the players are starting to know each otherto perfection.(我为胜利和进球感到高兴,因为球员们已经开始意识到其他人的完美。)
  • 5、If a thing is not doneto perfection, it is unacceptable.(做得不完美的事是无法接受的。)
  • 6、The motion is rapid, yet not hard on the eyes and obviously was nurturedto perfection by Apple's engineers.(动作很快,但是眼睛看起来还是很舒服,可以想见苹果的工程师真的在细处用了心。)
  • 7、In this movie the main character is Harry playedto perfection by Daniel Radcliffe.(片中的主角是由丹尼尔·拉德克利夫饰演的哈利·波特。)
  • 8、Now, I have no claimsto perfection.(现在,我再也不抱怨不完美。)
  • 9、But though his motivations are cold and his plan calculatedto perfection, Boba isn't alone in his malicious machinations against the Jedi Order.(虽然他的动机冷血,计划筹备得天衣无缝,但波巴在实施对抗绝地武士团的恶毒阴谋时并非孤身一人。)
  • 10、Scouts are masters in long range combat, and use their abilities to bring their bow and crossbow skillsto perfection.(童子军的主人在远距离打击,并利用他们的能力,使他们的弓和弩技能完美。)
  • 11、The vegetables were cookedto perfection.(这些蔬菜烧的火候恰到好处。)
  • 12、The meat was cookedto perfection.(这肉做的无可挑剔。)
  • 13、Andto perfection all our efforts we devote.(我们献身为了所有努力都完满。)
  • 14、The experienced car racer can always time his startto perfection.(那位经验丰富的车手总是能够完美地掌握出发的时间。)
  • 15、His body was honedto perfection.(他的身体锻炼得十全十美。)
  • 16、Grilledto perfection marinated with paprika and garlic chicken thigh.(烤经红柿椒粉和大蒜沫浸泡过的鸡腿肉,使味道更美。)
  • 17、The fish was cookedto perfection.(这鱼烹得恰到好处。)
  • 18、Even now, I still start my day with making the bedto perfection.(即使是现在,我仍然以将床铺整理得一丝不苟开始我的一天。)
  • 19、Thick, firm Atlantic swordfish steak grilledto perfection and garnished with crispy almond sliver and tomato.(厚而紧实的大西洋箭鱼烤至恰到好处,并点缀着清脆的杏仁和番茄。)
  • 20、Thee dress shows off her figureto perfection.(这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。。)
  • 21、His argument against the case was writtento perfection.(他反对这个案子的观点被完美的写了下来。)
  • 22、She loaned me a book entitled, Addictedto perfection, and from that day forward I became less the leader and more the participant.(她借给我一本书名为完美会上瘾,从那天起我变得少一点苛刻了。)
  • 23、Lasting longer in bed is a skill just like any other that can be practiced and honedto perfection.(在床上持续时间更长其实是一项技术,这项技术可以通过不断地练习和磨练而日趋完美。)
  • 24、Who died and lifted you upto perfection? And what silenced me is written into law.(谁的死亡筑就了你的完美?让我沉默无言的东西被写进法律。)
  • 25、The spirit and fitness ethos of the Commando Brigade matched his own attitudeto perfection.(突击旅精神和体能方面的风气非常符合他自身追求完美的态度。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 26、But obviously, if you have it in you, it can be honedto perfection.(但是,显而易见,如果你自身具备艺术素养,便能够磨炼得炉火纯青。)
  • 27、Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entryto perfection.(像他这样的老演员,出场时间把握得恰到好处。)
  • 28、Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leadsto perfection.(公正即一切。恰当实行的惩罚通向完美。)

to perfection基本释义

to perfection

英 [tu: pəˈfekʃən] 美 [tu pɚˈfɛkʃən] 
完美地; 尽善尽美地; 完全地