
to start with造句

to start with造句

更新时间:2024-05-26 23:30:13


to start with造句

  • 1、Allow yourselfto start with chaos.(允许自己从混乱开始。)
  • 2、It is often a good ideato start with smaller, easily achievable goals.(以较小的、容易实现的目标来做开端经常是个好主意。)
  • 3、I wantto start with the concept of probability.(我想从概率的概念开始讲起。)
  • 4、to start with, all seemed well.(开始时,一切看上去很顺利。)
  • 5、They contacted the manufactures with the idea of having products produced for him, mainly in the scissors rangeto start with.(他们联系了制造商来为他生产产品,从主要是剪刀系列的产品开始。)
  • 6、to start with, people should know that seeking help is a normal need instead of a sign of weakness.(首先,人们应该清楚知道寻求帮助是一种正常的需求,而不是软弱的表现。)
  • 7、Reading the novelto start with figures closely.(读小说要紧扣人物入手。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 8、It would be easierto start with a smaller problem.(从小问题入手会更容易些。)
  • 9、She wasn't keen on the ideato start with.(她一开始并不喜欢这个主意。)
  • 10、Feel freeto start with different population sizes.(您可以自由选择不同的人群大小开始。)
  • 11、But anyway, we should make effortsto start with.(但是无论怎样,我们应该努力地开始。)
  • 12、Your quiet time needsto start with focusing on God.(你的安静灵修时间需要一开始就专注于神。)
  • 13、I guess you needto start with that so that you can get a grasp of the concepts and learn a few facts before you start putting it into practice.(我想你需要先从这一点开始,这样你才能掌握这些概念,在付诸实践之前了解一些事实。)
  • 14、And we are goingto start with Tunisia and Egypt.(我们将从突尼斯和埃及开始。)
  • 15、Just a small question for usto start with.(就当是开头的一个小问题吧。)
  • 16、I can't think of anything elseto start with.(我想不出还能从其他的什么地方开始了。)
  • 17、The club had only six membersto start with.(这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。)
  • 18、You can book a half-hour session with Philto start with, then if you want more help, he'll arrange follow-up sessions with you.(你可以先和菲尔预约半小时的治疗,然后如果你需要更多帮助,他会安排你的后续治疗。)
  • 19、I'll have melonto start with.(我要先吃甜瓜。)
  • 20、to start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now.(刚开始时她的压力非常大,但现在轻松些了。)
  • 21、Your process model will be emptyto start with.(流程模型最初是空白的。)
  • 22、First we need an EJB3 applicationto start with.(首先,我们需要从一个EJB3应用开始。)
  • 23、Change hasto start with you, Reader.(改变从你开始,读者。)
  • 24、to start with it's much too expensive...(首先是太贵…)
  • 25、So we're goingto start with two separated liquids.(那么我们从两种分离的液体开始。)
  • 26、to start with, you need a valuable product.(首先,你需要一个有经济价值的产品。)
  • 27、I think having the right customersto start with, selling the right beer, keeping it good, and most of all, keeping a good attitude yourself, even though you probably feel very tired.(我认为从拥有正确的客户开始,销售相应的啤酒,然后继续保持下去,最重要的是,保持良好的态度,即使你可能会觉得很累。)
  • 28、to start with, it forced the population to abandon the nomad's life and became sedentary, to develop methods of storage and, often, systems of irrigation.(首先,它会迫使人们放弃游牧生活定居下来,因而使人们开发存储的方法,往往也会开发灌溉系统。)
  • 29、He decidesto start with a very simple process flow.(他决定从一个非常简单的流程流开始。)
  • 30、to start with, you need to choose the next game.(要开始,需要选择下一个游戏。)

to start with基本释义

to start with

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