


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:46:07



  • 1、Traditionally,reportage is divided into different types according to its content and form.(习惯上,人们对报告文学的体式是从内容和形式两个角度划分。)
  • 2、It shows the new aesthetic trend ofreportage in the new century.(它表现了报告文学在新世纪的新的审美趋向。)
  • 3、Now he revisits the zombie genre with hits much weightier faux-reportage.(现在,他带着浓墨重彩的人工新闻报道再次涉足僵尸类型的小说。)
  • 4、They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No sensationalizing. Only calmreportage.(媒体人在播报中显示出强大的自制力。不耸人听闻,只冷静报道。)
  • 5、Chinesereportage is a special product of modern cultural transition.(中国报告文学,是近代文化转型的特殊产物。)
  • 6、It involves systematic yet banal design, and bluntreportage.(它使用系统的,然而平庸的设计和迟钝的新闻报道。)
  • 7、Hisreportage fully complied with the facts.(他写的报告文学充分尊重了客观事实。)
  • 8、I wouldn't elaborate it inreportage. Therefore, please remember what you read was just a novel.(我现在也不可能使用报告文学的方式来阐述它,所以请记住,你看到的,只是一本小说。)
  • 9、If so, the "second golden age" ofreportage that Kapp imagined could continue for some time to come.(果真如此,卡普想象中的报导文学的“第二次黄金年代”仍将持续一段时间。)
  • 10、Some are not in luck the investor only in felt is relieved when only then buys up, is not sold in thereportage oneself ampere hour.(一些不走运的投资者只在感到安心时才买进,在新闻报道让自己不安时卖出。)
  • 11、Instant news and current affairs channel with wide Indian and internationalreportage.(二十四小时印度及国际新闻,时事频道。)
  • 12、Some out of the ordinary concluded with the law as inspiration, creativity can benefit with a view toreportage.(最后总结出了几条带有普通性的规律作为启示,以期对报告文学创作能有所禆益。)
  • 13、The skilfulreportage of sports journalists.(体育记者十分拿手的报道工作。)
  • 14、But agricultural science and technology news in fords in the agriculturereportage to have the pivotal function.(而农业科技新闻在涉农新闻报道中有着举足轻重的作用。)
  • 15、Thereportage and the commentaries are misleading, if not downright misinforming.(即使不是完全的错误消息,那些(新闻)报道和评论也在误导(大众)。)
  • 16、The attraction of Focus Talk and Lawreportage Today are related to their narrative modes besides the important materials.(《今日说法》和《焦点访谈》的吸引力,除了题材重要以外,也跟其叙述方式有关。) hao86.com
  • 17、I used it inreportage style picture taking situations and could get very interesting pictures at close range.(我用这镜头以报道方式拍摄了一些场景,并在近摄中得到了很有趣的图片。)
  • 18、Thereportage of our country has a history of nearly hundred years too, already been the country where areportage has been prosperous now.(我国的报告文学也有近百年的历史,而今已是报告文学繁荣的国度。)
  • 19、Its well proved in practice that livereportage is an effective and major means to improve TV social news coverage.(实践证明电视现场报道是改进电视社会新闻报道的一种有效的、主要的手段。)
  • 20、Economicreportage involves not only in the content it reports, but also in the Angle of view it chooses.(经济新闻报道不仅涉及报道什么,还存在一个报道视角的选择问题。)
  • 21、Chinese Literature Brings you contemporary Chinese novels, stories, plays, andreportage.(《中国文学》向读者介绍当代中国的小说、故事、戏剧、诗歌和报告文学。)
  • 22、It's the skilfulreportage of sports journalists.(那是体育记者十分拿手的报道工作。)
  • 23、Therefore, thereportage must find its way out quickly at the turn of the centuries.(因此,在世纪之交,报告文学必须迅速寻找到它的出路。)
  • 24、Today, a plethora of negativereportage has branded them "a fallen generation".(而今,过多的负面报道却把大学生们说成了是“堕落的一代”。)
  • 25、The "Goldbach Problem" written by Xu Chi was considered as the first work ofreportage in new days.(徐迟的《歌德巴赫猜想》堪称新时期报告文学的开篇之作。)



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