


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:40:54



  • 1、semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes(半导体激光器和发光二极管)
  • 2、LEDs are manufactured more or less like any othersemiconductor.(LED的制造工艺和其他半导体无太大差别。)
  • 3、Insemiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.(在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。)
  • 4、semiconductor equipment, design software and packaging have long been done by separate companies.(半导体设备、设计软件程序包已长期分别由单独的公司来完成。)
  • 5、Most solar cells are made from silicon-the samesemiconductor material that is at the heart of computers.(大部分的太阳能电池是用硅制造的,它是一种用于生产计算机核心部件的半导体材料。)
  • 6、They include the biotech,semiconductor, personal computer, and airline industries.(其中包括生物技术业,半导体行业,个人电脑业和航空业。) hao86.com
  • 7、The technology of amplifying solar energy can save the number ofsemiconductor materials required for photovoltaic cells.(通过放大太阳能的技术可以节约光伏电池所需的半导体材料的数量。)
  • 8、Apple has the entiresemiconductor industry wrapped around its little finger.(苹果令整个半导体行业为其小小的手指舞动提供配套。)
  • 9、Instead,semiconductor firms simply squeezed more patents out of existing research and development expenditures.(相反,半导体公司只是从现有的研发支出中榨取更多的专利。)
  • 10、Optotools, meanwhile, makes industrial fiber-coupled high-powersemiconductor lasers.(Optotools公司同时将生产工业级光纤耦合高能半导体激光器。)
  • 11、This month's bidding for Freescalesemiconductor, a chipmaker, highlights the trend.(这个月对芯片制造商Freescalesemiconductor的竞价则更突出了这种趋势。)
  • 12、Smith and Boyle were honoured "for the invention of an imagingsemiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor".(;给乔治·史密斯和韦拉德·博伊尔两人的颁奖致辞,“发明成像半导体电路--CCD光学传感器。”)
  • 13、As such, it provides a rare glimpse inside the world of cutting-edgesemiconductor manufacturing.(因此,它等同于为我们提供了一次极为难得的机会,去一睹尖端半导体的生产过程。)
  • 14、However, unlike thesemiconductor silicon, graphene has no gap between its valence and conduction bands.(然而,与半导体硅不同,石墨烯的价带和导带之间没有带隙。)
  • 15、Studies of the most patent-conscious business of all—thesemiconductor industry—suggest that firms do not necessarily become more innovative as they increase their patenting activity.(对所有行业中最具专利意识的行业——半导体行业的研究表明,企业不一定会随着专利申请活动的增加而变得更具创新性。)
  • 16、And the solar cell: That's completely not intricate. It's simply a few layers ofsemiconductor.(但是太阳能电池并不精细,它只是简单的几层半导体。)
  • 17、Gallium nitride is asemiconductor used to create bright-blue LEDs.(氮化镓是一种用来生产亮蓝色LED的半导体。)
  • 18、Someday, it could quench thesemiconductor industry's thirst for ever-shrinking components.(说不定哪一天,这种晶体管可以满足半导体行业对微型元件的渴望。)
  • 19、The researchers used a gallium nitridesemiconductor in the "proof of concept" tests.(研究者们在“概念验证”实验中使用的半导体材料是氮化镓。)
  • 20、The first observation of asemiconductor emitting light when zapped with electricity dates back to 1907.(首次观察到的半导体利用电击发光要追溯到1907年。)
  • 21、That is no longer an issue, thanks to modernsemiconductor controls.(但因为现代的半导体控制技术,这不久就不是问题了。)
  • 22、This is the second phase of the Compoundsemiconductor Materials on Silicon program.(该项目是该化合物半导体材料硅项目的第二阶段。)
  • 23、ASML, Europe's biggest maker ofsemiconductor equipment, rose 1.3 percent to 28.51 euros.(欧洲最大的半导体生产商荷兰阿斯麦公司股价上涨1.3%,至28.51欧元。)
  • 24、That allows it to piggyback on the continuous improvement insemiconductor technology.(这使得它搭载的半导体技术的不断改进。)
  • 25、Othersemiconductor stocks also moved up.(其他半导体个股纷纷走高。)
  • 26、Charteredsemiconductor in Singapore has trimmed pay by up to 20%.(新加坡特许半导体公司减薪幅度达20%。)
  • 27、Nationalsemiconductor controls around 3%.(国家半导体公司占了大约3%的市场份额。)
  • 28、ZeroG wireless is asemiconductor company that's focused on building low-power wireless chips.(是一家专攻小功耗无线芯片的半导体公司。)



英 [ˌsemikənˈdʌktə(r)] 美 [sɛmikənˈdʌktɚ] 
形容词: semiconducting
