
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:30:16



  • 1、scroll to the end to see if there are any errors.(滚屏到末尾以查看是否存在任何错误。)
  • 2、I've got toscroll up here, if I'm looking, and then I've got the visual cortex engaged.(如果我还在看的话,我得滚到这儿,然后我的视觉皮层就参与进来。)
  • 3、You have to kind ofscroll down to see it.(你需要翻滚屏幕来看它。)
  • 4、Now we canscroll through our data offline.(现在,我们可以在离线数据中滚动了。)
  • 5、Requires the user toscroll or use tabs.(要求用户滚动或使用选项卡。)
  • 6、scroll down.(向下滚动。)
  • 7、scroll down the list and double-click session.(向下滚动列表并双击会话。)
  • 8、She didn't like thescroll wheel on my mouse.(她不喜欢我鼠标上的滚轮。)
  • 9、"This fossil echoes thescroll on a fiddle's neck, but it also has symbolic significance: violin-making," he says, "it is a fossil profession."(“这块化石和小提琴琴颈的样子相仿,其象征意义不凡:制作小提琴,”他说,“这是古化石行业。”)
  • 10、scroll down the list of options on the right.(向下滚动右侧的选项列表。)
  • 11、When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontalscroll bar.(在日程表视图中,当一天中的所有日程表条目的标题信息无法完全显示时,这一天显示一个横向滚动条。)
  • 12、scroll through the different tabs to view the reports.(滚动到不同的标签上,查看报告。)
  • 13、scroll through views?(在视图中滚动时呢?)
  • 14、If this is the maximum resolution of your screen or if your resolution is lower than this, you will need toscroll to see some areas of the demo.(如果这是您屏幕的最大分辨率,或者如果您的比这还低,那么您需要滚动屏幕来查看演示的一些区域。)
  • 15、Give them a reason toscroll down!(给他们一个翻页的理由!)
  • 16、scroll down to the ZIP extension.(向下滚动到ZIP扩展。)
  • 17、There is a handy keyboard shortcut to save you having toscroll up to the top of the screen.(有一个方便的键盘快捷键可用,不必滚动到屏幕的顶端。)
  • 18、scroll to adjust numeric value.(用鼠标滚轮来调整数值。)
  • 19、scroll to the end of the file.(切换到文件的末尾部分。)
  • 20、Use thescroll bar to locate the desired record type.(利用这个滚动条来确定想要的记录类型。)
  • 21、The dragonscroll!(真龙卷轴!)
  • 22、Let'sscroll down and see why they got a white.(让我们向下卷动来看看为什么他们得到了白色。)
  • 23、Well, if wescroll up where did we begin?(好,如果向上滚动,我们从哪里开始?)
  • 24、He took out his sycamorescroll and placed it by the candle.(他拿出梧桐树皮,放在蜡烛旁边。)
  • 25、They also found that users don't want toscroll.(他们还发现用户不想去滚动页面。)
  • 26、A Japanese verticalscroll painting.(日本的一种垂直式卷轴画。)



英 [skrəʊl] 美 [skroʊl] 
过去式: scrolled 过去分词: scrolled 现在分词: scrolling 第三人称单数: scrolls

