
更新时间:2024-06-09 23:39:11



  • 1、The goodseaman is known in bad weather.(译〕坏天气才能认识良好的海员。)
  • 2、Cook learnt fast and quickly became a skilledseaman.(库克学得很快,不久便成了一名技术熟练的水手。)
  • 3、I dreamed about this one-leggedseaman for many nights afterwards.(那以后我经常梦到他说的那个一条腿的水手。)
  • 4、When I found this clay, everything else just faded into the background,”seaman said.(“当我看到这种陶土的时候,其他的东西都显得黯淡无光了”,希曼说。)
  • 5、The oldseaman called for a glass of rum, and stood outside, drinking and looking around.(老海员要了一杯朗姆酒,站在客店外面,一边喝酒,一边向四周观望。)
  • 6、seaman taught art in Central America and was prepared to see the world by teaching when she became engaged.(希曼在中美洲教授艺术,当她订婚以后她准备通过教书来了解全世界。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 7、seaman has enjoyed not only them, but also their creations.(希曼不仅享受与人的交流,还喜欢他们的创造力。)
  • 8、seaman sometimes incorporates other materials into her work, such as paint, paper and glass beads.(希曼有时候也会把其他材料引入自己的作品,比如彩绘,纸张还有玻璃珠子。)
  • 9、I feel more in touch with my creator when I'm being creative, "seaman said."(“当我在创作的时候我觉得自己与创造力更加接近了”,希曼说。)
  • 10、"Never mind my name! Call me 'Captain'," theseaman replied.(“你不要留意我的名字,叫我‘船长’吧!”老海员回答。)
  • 11、"And pray," asked theseaman, "Where did your father die?"(水手问道:“那么请问,您的父亲在哪里去世的?”?)
  • 12、seaman, however, was not initially attached to an environmental cause.(不过,希曼一开始并非因为环境因素而拍摄。)
  • 13、"I'm aseaman second class, " came the reply.(“我是二等水兵。”对方答复道。)
  • 14、Camilleseaman is an award-winning photographer who captures striking photos of icebergs.(卡米尔·希曼是一位拍摄冰山照片而屡屡获奖的摄影师。)
  • 15、Was he a merchantseaman too?(他也是个商船上的水手吗?)
  • 16、seaman specializes in polymer clay, which really isn't clay at all, but polymer polyvinyl chloride.(希曼的专业是软陶专业,但实际上并不是真的陶土而是聚氯乙烯。)
  • 17、That young man is a experiencedseaman.(那个年轻人是一个经验丰富的水手。)
  • 18、Aseaman meets a pirate in a bar. Theseaman notes that the pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch.(有名水手在酒吧里遇见一名海盗,水手注意到海盗装了假肢、手上有铁钩,还戴了个眼罩。)
  • 19、The chest contained the personal belongings of aseaman.(箱子里装着一个海员的私人物品。)
  • 20、"Yes, can't you remember when we were very little," said the oldseaman, "and ran and played about?"(“是的,”老水手说,“你记得吗?我们小的时候常常在一起跑,一起玩耍。”)
  • 21、And in conclusion, a few words about leisure of aseaman.(用几句话总结一下海员的闲暇时光。)
  • 22、A pasta machine and blade become your best tools,”seaman said.(“一个意面机器和一把小刀就是最好的工具,”希曼说。)
  • 23、"Amazing!" remarked theseaman. "How did you get the eye patch?"(“太厉害了!”水手说:“那你的眼罩又是怎么回事?”)
  • 24、Corsair: a corsair is a Frenchseaman or privateer who sailed mostly in the South Mediterranean sea.(海盗(Corsair):这个词专指主要在南地中海地区航行的法国水手或海盗船长。)
  • 25、Forseaman, the price quickly went from affordable to lucrative.(对希曼而言,旅程价格很快从可支付变为了有收入。)
  • 26、seaman visited about 30 countries, checking out the art scene in each.(希曼走访过大约30个国家,细致观察了每个国家的艺术背景。)



英 [ˈsi:mən] 美 [ˈsimən] 
