shade in造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:40:36


shade in造句

  • 1、Some biologists hypothesize that a plant will stop growing if it's in the shade of another plant, a reaction that's triggered when it senses an unusual ratio of red light to far-red light.(一些生物学家假设,如果一株植物处在另一株植物的荫蔽下,它就会停止生长,当它感知到红光与远红光的不寻常比例时,反应就会触发。)
  • 2、We sat in the leafy shade of an oak tree.(我们坐在一棵枝繁叶茂的橡树树荫下。)
  • 3、I can't imagine plants in the shade for most of day without sunshine.(我无法想象植物大部分时间在荫凉下没有日照。)
  • 4、Men set up folding tables and lawn chairs in the shade of giant pine trees.(男人们在大松树的树荫下搭了折叠桌和草坪椅。)
  • 5、We sat down in the shade of the wall.(我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。)
  • 6、The pair play in long grass in the shade of bamboo, fig and wild banana trees.(两人在竹子、无花果树和野生香蕉树的树荫下的长草中玩耍。)
  • 7、There's noshade in the street, you know.(在街上没有阴凉处,你知道的。)
  • 8、He tried toshade in one side of his drawing.(他想把他那幅画的一边涂成阴影。)
  • 9、That would lead to the plant in its shade sensing an unusual ratio.(这将导致处于阴影中的植物感知到一个不寻常的比例。)
  • 10、Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.(亚历克西斯沿着海岸向前走,然后在一块凸出的悬崖下的阴凉处重新看起书来。)
  • 11、Bing, its new search engine, has gained ashade in market share (though it is still miles behind Google).(他新推出的搜索引擎,Bing也取得了一定的市场份额(虽然仍落后于Google)。)
  • 12、I keep cool by staying in the shade and not moving much.(由于我待在树荫下,不多走动,所以不热。)
  • 13、The loss of shade trees is already causing a slight change in the world's climate.(庭荫树的减少给全球气温带来了微小的变化。)
  • 14、After drawing the shape, you canshade in.(画完轮廓后,你就可以画阴影了。)
  • 15、They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.(他们都坐在斑驳的树荫下的地上。)
  • 16、Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.(咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。)
  • 17、After the feast there was a refreshing season of rest and chat in the shade of spreading oaks.(宴会结束后,他们在橡树荫下休息聊天。)
  • 18、She departed at the end of six or eight months, alleging as a reason, that there was noshade in the garden. The nuns were delighted.(六个月或八个月以后她又走了,理由是那园里没有树荫,修女们因而大为高兴。)
  • 19、Temperatures in the shade can reach forty-eight degrees Celsius at this time of year.(一年中的这个时候,阴凉处的温度能达到48摄氏度。)
  • 20、Existing mapping tools APIs may allow you to plot points worldwide, but you might want an easy way toshade in a state, country, or region based on certain data.(现有的地图工具API可以让您标绘世界各地的地理点,但是您可能需要一种轻松的方法根据特定数据对州、国家或地区使用色彩渐变效果。)
  • 21、The old woman had drawn down theshade in her room — hoping, I imagined, to stop the midday Miami sun from penetrating her grief.(这位老妇人已经放下了了她房里的窗帘——我猜想,是为了阻止了迈阿密的正午阳光穿透她的忧愁。)
  • 22、Let's sit in the shade for a while.(咱们在阴凉处坐一会儿吧。)
  • 23、They used the swimming pool, rode, lazed in the deep shade of the oaks in the heat of the day.(他们在一天之中最热的时段去游泳池游泳,去骑马,在橡树的浓荫下消磨时间。)
  • 24、They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.(他们在阴凉处懒洋洋地坐着,又吃又喝。)
  • 25、Mind the words that thou and I said by the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.(记住你我在清凉的水潭边,在绿荫下说过的话。)
  • 26、Bing, its new searchengine, has gained [color=#ff0000]ashade in market share (though it is still milesbehind Google).(新的搜索引擎必应(Bing),已经在市场份额中得到了[color=#ff0000]一些栖息之所(尽管仍然与谷歌的市场份额相去甚远).)
  • 27、They put these LEDs around some plants that were in the shade.(他们把这些LED灯放在一些处于阴凉处的植物周围。)

shade in基本释义