
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:29:11



  • 1、In another, the volunteers watched an image of a cityskyline with a plane flying past.(另外,志愿者还观看到一个城市的天空中有一架飞机飞过的场景。)
  • 2、All that was left of the New Yorkskyline was a chalk cloud.(纽约的地平线上只剩下了一团白云。)
  • 3、I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of theskyline.(看到灰色的天空柔和了地平线的边缘,稍稍让我释然些。)
  • 4、Dubai's soaringskyline is a symbol of pride here.(迪拜高耸的摩天大楼是该国自豪感的象征。)
  • 5、CRANES clutter theskyline along northern Virginia's busy thoroughfares.(起重机把佛吉尼亚州北部繁忙大街上的天际轮廓线弄得乱七八糟。)
  • 6、The futuristicskyline is the city's top film landmark.(未来天际线是这座城市最主要的电影地标。)
  • 7、The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New Yorkskyline.(帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。)
  • 8、On the other are their neighbours who gain nothing but a darkenedskyline.(另一方面是他们的邻居,他们没有任何好处,除一条黑暗的天际线。)
  • 9、As I arrived, the shimmeringskyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory.(当我到达时,穹顶和尖塔形成的泛着微光的空中轮廓线铭刻在我的记忆中。)
  • 10、Up a tower to a defunct revolving restaurant, where I snapped photos of the hazyskyline.(上了塔,到了一颓败的旋转餐厅,那里我对着朦胧地天空的轮廓,拍了照片。)
  • 11、He marveled at the brightly illuminated replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Manhattanskyline, the dazzling fountains of Rome.(他惊叹于那些灯火通明的埃菲尔铁塔复制品、曼哈顿的天际线和罗马令人眼花缭乱的喷泉。)
  • 12、Above, the Kabulskyline and the peaks of the Hindu Kush.(上图中是喀布尔的轮廓图和兴都库什山脉的雪山。)
  • 13、Towering over the cityskyline, these are the world's first forest in the sky apartments.(这两座耸立在该城市地平线上的高楼是世界上首例空中森林公寓。)
  • 14、Gallery: India's changingskyline.(加勒里:正在改变的印度轮廓线。)
  • 15、The fields quivering, theskyline a grimace(田野在颤抖,地平线作出痛苦的表情)
  • 16、London'sskyline has been recreated using fruit as part of a promotional campaign.(日前,在某宣传活动中,伦敦几位工艺师用水果重塑出伦敦全景。)
  • 17、The Montrealskyline as seen from Mont Royal.(从皇家山上看到的蒙特利尔。)
  • 18、COMPARED with many of the world's great cities, London'sskyline is rather dull.(与世界上许多大城市相比,伦敦的天空实在是平淡无奇。)
  • 19、The village church dominates theskyline.(那座乡村教堂独绝天际。)
  • 20、Today, Shanghai'sskyline is dotted by more than 400 skyscrapers.(今天,上海的地平线上耸立着400多座摩天大楼。)
  • 21、There's even a cafe terrace looking out over the Florenceskyline.(那里甚至还有一个露天咖啡台供人们远眺佛罗伦萨的天际线。)
  • 22、The Lower Manhattanskyline, with the twin towers, can be seen in background.(背景中可以看到曼哈顿下城和双塔的轮廓。)
  • 23、On smoggier days, it is difficult to see the city'sskyline.(在雾天很难看见城市的天际线。)
  • 24、Each new tower has redefined the much-photographed Shanghaiskyline.(每座新大楼的落成都会重新勾画上海美不胜收的地平线。)



英 [ˈskaɪlaɪn] 美 [ˈskaɪˌlaɪn] 
