


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:44:17



  • 1、Uh-oh! Theprecursor to the stop error screen, which became known as the 'Blue Screen of Death'.(啊哦!预报器停止错误屏幕,这就是有名的“蓝屏死机"。)
  • 2、The stabilisation of prices turned out to be aprecursor to broader economic recovery.(因此,此时住房价格的重新趋稳被视为整体经济恢复的一个前兆。)
  • 3、It won only five of 13 seats held by itsprecursor.(他们只赢得了先前13个议席的5席。)
  • 4、One such substitute was a salty paste of fermented grains, an earlyprecursor of modern soy sauce.(其中之一的替代品就是咸的粘贴粮醅,它就是现代酱油的祖先。)
  • 5、precursor ion scanning refers to monitoring for a specific loss from theprecursor ion.(前体离子扫描是指监测前体离子的特定损失。)
  • 6、They alter the way it cleaves amyloidprecursor protein.(它们改变了这个酶切割淀粉样蛋白前体的方式。)
  • 7、The meeting was aprecursor to the larger G-20 meeting taking place in Seoul on November 11 and 12.(这次会议将是于今年的月的11日至12日在汉城召开的较大的20国集团会议的前兆。)
  • 8、Early scribbling is oneprecursor to early writing which can lead to reading.(幼儿的涂鸦是一种书写,也是阅读的前兆。)
  • 9、You may have to control theprecursor gases.(你还得控制在反应中产生它们的气体。)
  • 10、So, she had aprecursor. So what? Does that make any difference?(所以,在她之前有过别人,那有怎样,会造成不同吗?)
  • 11、That kind of surge may be aprecursor to inflation.(这种飙升也许是通胀的前兆。)
  • 12、LILO was theprecursor to GRUB, but you can still find it booting Linux.(LILO是GRUB的先驱,但是我们可能发现它依然可以引导Linux。)
  • 13、We talked about the artificial hip, which is a modernprecursor of the splint I talked about before.(我们说到的人造髋关节就是我之前讲过的夹板的现代前身。)
  • 14、Impatience is often aprecursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits.(焦躁通常是自我惩罚的前兆,因此,你得赶快在红灯亮起之前停下来。)
  • 15、The meeting is aprecursor to a full G20 summit in Pittsburgh on 25-26 September.(这次会议是9月25至26日在匹兹堡举行的G20峰会的预演。)
  • 16、The interference of theprecursor and the slightly delayed main waveform can explain this structure.(前驱的干扰和主波形轻微的延迟可以解释这个结构。)
  • 17、He said that the deal should not be seen as aprecursor to a merger.(他说这次交易不应该被看作是合并的前兆。)
  • 18、Byron could have even been aprecursor to the modern rock star.(拜伦也许正是现代摇滚明星的先驱。)
  • 19、To date, no so-called quakeprecursor has achieved anything like that degree of reliability.(到目前为止,任何所谓的地震前兆都远未达到这个准确率。)
  • 20、Error is often theprecursor of what is correct.(错误常常是正确的先导。)
  • 21、Theprecursor to the stop error screen, which became known as the 'Blue screen of Death'.(预报器停止错误屏幕,这就是有名的“蓝屏死机”。)
  • 22、In this way, it's sort of aprecursor to Apple's new GarageBand application.(这样,它成为苹果公司的新garageband应用程序的先驱。)
  • 23、Corporations have had theprecursor of social networks for ages.(很长时间以来,企业都是社会化网络应用的先驱。)
  • 24、In the 1970s many people wrote off theprecursor to the World Trade Organisation.(20世纪70年代许多人为世界贸易组织写下了序篇。)
  • 25、You make not only water vapor, but you make some nitrous oxides, NOX, or nox as it is known, and this is theprecursor to smog.(你不仅仅制造水蒸气,你还会制造一些氮氧化物,NOX,或者如大家所知到的nox,而这是烟雾的前驱体。)
  • 26、Pearson likens the colonial medical consultation process as aprecursor to email.(皮尔森认为殖民时代的医疗咨询过程,就象网络会诊的前身。)
  • 27、He would have been what Nietzsche in an interestingprecursor text calls "historical man."(他就像是尼采在他的一篇有趣的,有关先驱者的文章里提到的“历史上的人。”)
  • 28、Hence, choosing the right team is aprecursor to all the above factors.(因此,选择一个正确的团队是上述一切因素的先决条件。) hao86.com



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