
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:40:00



  • 1、I've torn aligament.(我的韧带撕裂了。)
  • 2、To the hospital for a check: posterior cruciateligament tear!(到医院一检查:后十字韧带撕裂!) (好工具
  • 3、Umbilical vein, ductus venosus and venousligament andligamentum teres hepatis were anatomized, observed and measured.(解剖观测脐静脉、静脉导管及肝圆韧带、静脉韧带等。)
  • 4、The most common cause of acute traumatic hemarthrosis of the knee is an anterior cruciateligament tear.(最常见导致急性创伤性血性膝关节的原因是前交叉韧带的撕裂伤。)
  • 5、E. Second trimester education. Discomforts include backache, roundligament pain, constipation, and indigestion.(中孕教育。不适感包括背痛,圆韧带疼痛,便秘及消化不良。)
  • 6、The lower lateral limit is the anterior crest of the ilium and Poupart'sligament.(下外侧缘是髂骨前嵴和普帕尔氏韧带。)
  • 7、All patients were given LARS artificialligament reconstruction.(所有患者均给予LARS人工韧带重建术。)
  • 8、Fortunately, cruciateligament injuries are relatively uncommon in the cat.(幸运的是,十字韧带受伤是比较少见的猫。)
  • 9、The terms "tendon" and "ligament" are often used interchangeably.(名词“肌腱”和“韧带”市场人们交替着用。)
  • 10、The capsularligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones.(关节囊韧带是一种包围着某个自由运动关节的关节腔并连接到骨头上的关节囊。)
  • 11、Theligament may become weakened due to carrying too much weight; this causes it to tear easily.(韧带可能削弱由于携带过多的重量,这使它很容易撕裂。)
  • 12、He tore aligament playing squash.(他打壁球时拉伤了韧带。)
  • 13、It could just be bruising, or a twistedligament.(可能仅仅是擦伤,或者是韧带扭伤。)
  • 14、The ACL is aligament that connects the top and bottom portions of the knee.(前侧交叉韧带是连接膝关节顶部和底部的韧带。)
  • 15、Ferguson said the Ecuador star had also suffered someligament damage.(弗格森说厄瓜多尔球星的韧带也伤了。)
  • 16、A sprain is an injury to aligament caused by excessive stretching.(扭伤是由于过度拉伸而引起的韧带受伤。)
  • 17、It appears loose with no vocalligament.(它看起来很松,没有声韧带。)
  • 18、The activity would have to be repeated thousands of times before theligament would get stressed to that degree.(这个动作要重复上千次,才能让韧带达到受伤的程度。)
  • 19、Ferguson said: "[There is] no bone damage or seriousligament damage.(弗格森说:“鲁尼的骨头并没有断裂,韧带也没有很严重的拉伤。)
  • 20、Plantar fasciitis occurs because the supportingligament (plantar fascia) of the arch becomes strained and inflamed.(发生足跟筋膜炎是因为足弓的支撑韧带(跖腱膜)拉紧并发生炎症。)
  • 21、Objective To introduce the research advance of theligament injury andligament healing.(目的了解近年有关韧带损伤及愈合的研究与进展。)
  • 22、He may not now have his cruciateligament operated on until the end of next month.(他现在无法进行十字韧带修复手术知道下个月末。)
  • 23、Standing causes sudden stretching and pulling of thisligament, and this can start the pain cascade.(站立会导致突发性的韧带拉伸,这种拉伸时疼痛加剧。)
  • 24、The lateral crus of the lateral canthusligament is then incised (right image).(然后切开外眦韧带的外侧脚(右图)。)
  • 25、Van Persie, however, did miss five months of last season with an ankleligament injury.(不过因为脚踝韧带撕裂,范佩西在赛季中曾缺席5个月之久。)
  • 26、Manchester United expect Tom Cleverley to be out for around four weeks withligament damage in his foot.(曼联确认汤姆·克莱维利将因为脚部韧带拉伤缺席四周。)



英 [ˈlɪgəmənt] 美 [ˈlɪɡəmənt] 
形容词: ligamental
