
lawn sprinkler造句

lawn sprinkler造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:51:55


lawn sprinkler造句

  • 1、She even wore Cartier walking barefoot under thelawn sprinkler.(她甚至戴着卡地亚赤脚走在草坪洒水器下。)
  • 2、"Like yourlawn sprinkler," said Mr. Posawatz, of g.m..(“就像你家草坪上的自动洒水器一样。”通用的博萨瓦兹如是说。)
  • 3、She wore the Cartier even barefoot under thelawn sprinkler.(她甚至戴着卡地亚赤脚走在草坪上洒水。)
  • 4、What's cool about this rollinglawn sprinkler is that it harnesses the power of water pressure to propel itself forth on the garden hose and get about the business of watering your garden.(这个滚动草坪洒水器很棒的地方就是,在橡胶水管上它通过利用水的压力来推动自身尽最大可能的浇灌您的花园。)
  • 5、Thelawn sprinkler showered the children.(草坪淋水车把孩子们身上浇湿了。)
  • 6、Water, he thought, hearing the soft splash of alawn sprinkler;(他听到草地上洒水装置轻微的洒水声,就想到了水;)
  • 7、The first thing you need to do when installing alawn sprinkler system is to get your hands on a good set of instructions.(你要做的第一件事,当设置草坪洒水系统是马上就用手一套好的训令。)
  • 8、Installing alawn sprinkler system can save you a lot of money, but require a lot of planning.(设置草坪洒水系统可以节省你很多钱,但是需要很多的规划。) haO86.com
  • 9、The squarelawn sprinkler systems are not only satisfy the irrigation requirements but also has the visual impact.(广场草坪地喷灌系统既满足灌溉要求,又具有景观效果。)

lawn sprinkler基本释义
