
更新时间:2024-04-26 22:51:08



  • 1、I still have them in my pocket, except one which I spent at the Inn of the Redlobster.(除了在红龙虾旅馆里用掉的一个,其它都在我口袋里。)
  • 2、At last, toward evening, dead tired, they came to the Inn of the Redlobster.(最后,快到傍晚的时候,他们累得要死,来到了红虾旅馆。)
  • 3、Husband: Me too, I can't wait to order thelobster.(丈夫:我也是,我都等不及了,我要点龙虾。)
  • 4、It is therefore highly likely that the outlaw fishing boats harvested about 9,000 tons oflobster illegally that year.(因此,当年非法捕捞的渔船很可能非法捕捞了约9000吨龙虾。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 5、Waiter, thislobster has only one claw.(服务员,这个龙虾只有一只爪。)
  • 6、Where these "lobster gangs" are prevalent, there are morelobsters.(在这些“龙虾帮”盛行的地方,有更多的龙虾。)
  • 7、He has also boiled a livelobster.(他说他还自己煮过一只龙虾。)
  • 8、Only the albino crab andlobster do not turn red when cooked.(只有白化螃蟹和龙虾不会变色。)
  • 9、Rocklobsters prey on sea urchins, and increased rocklobster densities coincided with significant decreases in urchins.(岩石龙虾以海胆为食,而岩石龙虾密度的增加正好与海胆数量的显著减少相吻合。)
  • 10、lobster meat protein contains more tropomyosin and paramyosin.(龙虾肉的蛋白质中含有较多的原肌球蛋白和副肌球蛋白。)
  • 11、In particular,lobster larvae take less time to reach the size at which they are no longer vulnerable to predation by young cod, the chief threat to their survival.(特别是,龙虾幼虫需要更短的时间才能长到不再容易受到幼鳕鱼捕食的大小,幼鳕鱼是它们生存的主要威胁。)
  • 12、lobster populations in the gulf of Maine and Georges Bank appear to be healthy.(在缅因州海湾和乔治海岸的龙虾数量看来还算正常。)
  • 13、People seldom considered thelobster as good dish in the past.(过去人们很少认为龙虾是一道好的菜肴。)
  • 14、I'll grill thelobster.(我来烤龙虾。)
  • 15、Consequently, the survival rate oflobster larvae must be going up, and thelobster population in Foerkland's coastal waters is bound to increase.(因此,龙虾幼虫的存活率必然会提高,而福岛沿岸水域的龙虾数量也必然会增加。)
  • 16、Take the spinylobster.(就拿龙虾为例。)
  • 17、My father remembers people so poor they had to eatlobster.(我爸爸记得人们太穷了,只好吃龙虾。)
  • 18、I mean, are those the biggestlobster tails you have ever seen?(我想问,这是你所见过的最大的龙虾尾吗?)
  • 19、Shall we try another figure of thelobster Quadrille?(我们再来一段龙虾四对舞好吗?)
  • 20、Morley: It figures thatlobster would make me sick.(莫理:我就知道那只龙虾会让我不舒服。)
  • 21、His first kill was alobster, which he boiled alive.(他第一次杀死的是龙虾,他活煮了它。)
  • 22、A spinylobster shyly crawls across the seafloor.(长满刺的龙虾试探着爬过海底。)
  • 23、A very largelobster could break your finger.(一只非常大的龙虾可能会弄断你的手指。)
  • 24、One of the most popular events is a clambake with unlimited portions of clams,lobster, and seafood salad.(那种提供不限量蛤蜊、龙虾和凉拌海鲜的野餐是最受欢迎的活动之一。)
  • 25、Alobster is held underwater in Maine in 2007.(缅因州,2007年,一只龙虾在水下被潜水员抓住。)
  • 26、You can catchlobster by hand, but you should wear thick gloves becauselobster's claws are strong.(你可以用手抓龙虾,但是你应该戴厚厚的手套,因为龙虾的爪子很结实。)



英 [ˈlɒbstə(r)] 美 [ˈlɑ:bstə(r)] 
名词: lobsterer 过去式: lobstered 过去分词: lobstered 现在分词: lobstering 第三人称单数: lobsters

