
make a thing out of造句

make a thing out of造句

更新时间:2024-06-02 23:54:13


make a thing out of造句

  • 1、For an inventive, "out-there" product that could make the cold, stiff computer a thing of the past, look no further than this touch screen flexible display called "Impress" (PDF).(一款具有创造性并且不落俗套的产品将令那些冰冷呆板的计算机成为过去式。不要再寻寻觅觅了,被称为impress(译注:impress有令人影响深刻的含义)的可变形触摸显示器正是一款这样的产品。)
  • 2、In his opinion, a writer has got to catch "the whiteness of the bone, " to catch the one specific thing and bring it to life and make it vivid for the readers and leave everything else out.(他认为作家应捕捉“骨头洁白的程度”(乱翻译的),发觉清楚的事物,把它带入生活,生动的展现在读者面前,而不是其它什么。)
  • 3、Eventually I might make it back to the computer and read a couple of things pertinent to my freelance work, but then I'd be derailed by checking out that-site-about-that-thing.(最终,我回到电脑前,读一些关于我自由职业工作的东西,但是,我很可能会偏离轨道,查看有关某个东西的某个页面。)
  • 4、By accident discover a software can do an electronics magazine, descend to make to play, do out unexpectedly of the thing looking at still pretty remarkable!(无意间发现有一个软件可以做电子杂志,就下了弄着玩,没想到做出来的东西看着还蛮不简单!)
  • 5、You know, if that rapping thing doesn't work out, you'll make one hell of a bellboy.(你要知道,如果你那些说唱不成功,你就会成为那种行李服务员。)
  • 6、The volume this thing cranks out is enough to make enemies out of your neighbors, not a bad quality either.(该卷本的事情曲柄的是足以使敌人离开你的邻居,而不是一个质量差的。)
  • 7、The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given to him. This is success and there is no other.(一个人能做得最伟大的事情,就是让手中所有的一切发挥最大效用,这即是成功。)
  • 8、"It was just a small thing and people tried to make a big story out of it," the Ferrari driver told reporters at the Hockenheim test this week.(“这本来只是一件小事情,但是人们想要大做文章。”这位法拉利车手本周在霍根·海姆测试时这样对媒体表示。)
  • 9、Please don't make me tap into the Pokestop, wait for the animation to zoom in, wait for the data to load, spin a little thing, then close out of the Pokestop.(请不要让我进入精灵驿站,等待动画放大显示,等待数据加载,旋转一个小东西,然后关闭精灵驿站。)
  • 10、Of course we're delighted and we're going to make sure the money is shared out among the family. It's a wonderful thing to leave.(当然,我们很高兴,对拍卖得来得钱我们一定会让整个家庭各个成员都受益。这真实一笔美妙遗产。)
  • 11、I think of that as the church-hug approach and it can work, but it can also make people a bit uncomfortable and weirded out by the touchy-feely thing.(我想出了一种教会式拥抱的方法而且很奏效。当然,这样自由的触摸可能会让人们感到有些不自在或者奇怪。)
  • 12、There's a company that makes a thing called GloFish and they take genes out of jellyfish that glow, and they put them into the DNA of Zebrafish and make them glow pink or some other color.(有家公司把水母的发光基因提取出来加入到斑马鱼的DNA中,这样鱼会发出粉色或是别的颜色的光。)
  • 13、This printed out a series of "mv" commands that I could examine to make sure I was doing the right thing.(这打印出了一连串的“mv”命令,我可以检查它们以确保我做对了。)
  • 14、If you want to break out of the mold of average, the first thing you need to do is to make a decision to be radically different.(如果你像打破平凡的“模子”,你需要做的第一件事情就是下决定激烈地不同。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、I could never make a merit of being caviare to the crowd the way my quasi-friend Pound does. I want to reach out, if it were a thing I could do by taking thought.(我不能因为创作大众的阳春白雪而夸耀,就像我的半个朋友庞德一样,我希望伸展开来,如果这是我动脑经就能完成的事。)
  • 16、To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life - bottom-line - and marry someone who wants the same thing.(为了婚姻的持续,你得知道在你的整个生命中究竟想要的是什么,而那个与你共度一生的人也有着同样的需要。)
  • 17、The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given to him.(一个人在这个世界上所能作的最伟大的事情便是利用所给予他的东西创造出最大可能的价值。)
  • 18、To make the kind of work I do - which hopes for a beautiful thing out of an encounter with a perfect stranger - I have to be an optimist, I have to be trusting in humankind.(为了从事这种工作——邂逅理想的陌生人,在他身上发现美好的事物——我必须乐观,对人充满信任。)

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