


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:53:25



  • 1、One line, and a history is effortlessly turned, no explanation, no apology, let alone any sense of shame about his own past propaganda writings and organization ofmendacious exhibits.(一句话,轻松地翻转了历史,没有解释,也没有道歉,更别提对他自己过去的宣传文字和组织那些虚假展览有任何愧疚。)
  • 2、There is no provision about the legal responsibility of celebrity advertisingmendacious ads in our country.(我国对名人代言虚假广告是否承担法律责任目前尚无明文规定。) hAo86.com
  • 3、Crude andmendacious it may be, but the Sun senses the popular mood.(也许粗俗和虚假,但是太阳报察觉到了公众的情绪。)
  • 4、Malicious litigation can be divided into six types, abusing of the right to sue, abusing of the defensive right, abusing of judicial proceeding, false lawsuits,mendacious suit and repeated suit.(具体到恶意诉讼的类型,可以将其分为滥用起诉权型、滥用防御权型、滥用诉讼程序型、虚假诉讼型、单方欺诈型和重复诉讼型。)
  • 5、The tort is the behavior that the CPA providesmendacious audit statement.(侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实的审计报告的行为。)
  • 6、Themendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house.(那个好说谎的乞丐在每家说不同的悲哀故事。)
  • 7、Everything that makes man work and get excited utilizes hope. The sole thought that is notmendacious is therefore a sterile thought.(其中,让人劳作和使他兴奋的一切都在利用希望,因此,唯一不与欺骗的思想则是缺乏想象的思想。)
  • 8、That moral hazard is one of the reasons causingmendacious disclosures in our stock markets.(这种由不对称信息导致的道德风险,是我国股票市场虚假信息披露存在的原因之一。)
  • 9、People can bemendacious and needlessly offensive using their own names, but they are less likely to be if they think their friends and colleagues might read what they say.(使用自己的真名后,人们还是可能会撒谎或进行无谓的攻击,但只要他们想到自己的朋友或同事可能会读到自己的言论,这么做的可能性就会降低。)
  • 10、You shall immediately report to XIAOZHU when found some information being suspected asmendacious or illegal information.(当您发现某些发布的信息疑似为虚假或违法信息时,应立即向“小猪”举报。)
  • 11、Since the existence of structural shifts would bias the result of stationary test, which could lead tomendacious result in cointegration analysis and misleading conclusions.(由于结构突变的存在会影响数据平稳性的检验结果,导致在进行协整分析时得出错误的结论。)



英 [menˈdeɪʃəs] 美 [mɛnˈdeʃəs] 
副词: mendaciously
