


更新时间:2024-06-16 23:37:28



  • 1、Concluded, the future to make it clear before climbing,mountaineering serious consequences.(最后总结下,以后爬山前要想清楚,爬山后果很严重。)
  • 2、Gunmen wearing police uniforms attacked amountaineering base camp in northern Pakistan today.(今天,武装分子穿着警察制服袭击了巴基斯坦北部的一处登山大本营。)
  • 3、In rural areas, children can go climbing,mountaineering, pick, swim, there are all sorts of fun things.(在农村,孩子们可以去爬树、爬山、摘果、游水,还有好多好多好玩的东西。)
  • 4、Learning such as cartmountaineering, step cannot relax.(学习如推车登山,一步也不能放松。)
  • 5、According to an expert, neithermountaineering nor skiing in itself.(根据专家的意见,本质上既不能登山也不能滑雪。)
  • 6、Any form ofmountaineering has its inherent dangers.(任何形式的登山都有其固有的危险。)
  • 7、Did you enjoy themountaineering trip?(你很喜欢登山旅行吗?)
  • 8、Why shouldn't violists take upmountaineering?(为什么中提琴手不该去登山呢?)
  • 9、Nor wasmountaineering, or indeed apiculture, his only accomplishment.(登山或实实在在的养蜂并不是他唯一的成就。)
  • 10、She was a lover ofmountaineering as she had been (a lover) in her youth.(她同年轻时一样是一个登山爱好者。)
  • 11、Even hobbies such as traveling,mountaineering or white water rafting include risk.(甚至某些兴趣爱好都有危险,例如旅游、登山以及白水漂流等。)
  • 12、When I met him, he already had a considerablemountaineering career behind him, while I was still a novice.(我见到他的时候,他在登山这行已经是个相当有经验的人了,而我却是个初出茅庐的毛头小子。)
  • 13、Now is the best season formountaineering.(现在是登山的最佳季节。)
  • 14、The joint exercise follows a series of smaller steps to break the ice, including a jointmountaineering expedition and joint naval exercises.(联合军演之前有一系列的破冰步骤,包括联合登山探险和联合海上演习。)
  • 15、What's themountaineering Club doing the weekend?(那个周末登山俱乐部有何聚会?)
  • 16、The company designed hats, jackets and pants especially for hunting, fishing, golf, tennis, skiing, archery, andmountaineering.(公司专门为打猎、钓鱼、玩高尔夫、打网球、滑雪、射箭和登山设计了帽子、外套和裤子。)
  • 17、mountaineering? I don't see how can you like that!(登山?我真不知道你怎么会喜欢这个的!)
  • 18、The centre is well equipped for canoeing andmountaineering.(本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。) hAo86.com
  • 19、Food, medicine and othermountaineering equipment ready Qi the.(食品、药品及其它登山器材都准备齐了。)
  • 20、The document is a powerful reminder of the manpower on which Europeanmountaineering expeditions depended, and also of the importance of local knowledge and assistance.(这份文件有效地佐证了当年欧洲登山探险队依赖的人力资源,也提醒我们了解当地知识和援助途径的重要性。)
  • 21、I believemountaineering is really beneficial.(我确信登山是非常有益的。)
  • 22、What's themountaineering Club doing this weekend?(这个周末登山俱乐部有何活动?)
  • 23、I usually put down all vexation bymountaineering.(我常借由登山来抛开所有烦恼。)
  • 24、The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerousmountaineering can be.(这次事故及时地提醒了人们登山运动有时会多么危险。)
  • 25、Mallory's death was part of a heroic age ofmountaineering and exploration when the tallest peaks of the Himalayas were yet to be vanquished.(马洛里的死只是登山探险的英雄时代的一部分,在那个时代里,喜马拉雅山脉的最高峰尚未有人征服过。)



英 [ˌmaʊntəˈnɪərɪŋ] 美 [ˌmaʊntnˈɪrɪŋ] 
