


更新时间:2024-05-26 23:42:32



  • 1、Winter came and was very cold, thenonconformist bird had never felt such cold weather and was afraid that he might freeze to death.(冬天来了,非常冷,这只不墨守常规的鸟从未经历过这么冷的天气,他怕他会冻死。)
  • 2、A master of disguise, Holmes had an arsenal of unlikely alter egos, from an old lady to a "simple-mindednonconformist clergyman."(福尔摩斯可以称得是一个伪装大师,他能完美演绎多种不同的个性,从老妇人到“头脑简单的新教牧师”。)
  • 3、Gandhi'snonconformist ways tend to appall and alienate secular-minded observers.(甘地不随主流的方法往往会吓跑和疏远那些有着世俗思想的旁观者。)
  • 4、An eccentric ornonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture.(离经叛道之人、反常或不符合常规之人,尤指反主流文化的成员。)
  • 5、Whose would be man , must be anonconformist .(任何一个真正的人都肯定是不落俗套的人。)
  • 6、Assessment: Are You a "Constructivenonconformist"?(评量:你是「建设性的不守成规者」吗?)
  • 7、There was practical vocational education tradition innonconformist academy and private academy in modern England.(近代英国民间的非国教学院与私立学院教育中,存在着实用职业教育传统。)
  • 8、He might pass through a becoming neighborhood with orange trees and palms and hedges, tight streets andnonconformist houses, where a single straggler can rouse half a dozen dog barks.(他可能会经过邻居门前的桔子树、棕榈树和篱笆,紧密的街道和不合传统的房子,还有只有一个最底层的人才能激起它们狂吠的几只狗。)
  • 9、And before knowing whether the man had stolen, killed his father, or was merely anonconformist, they would say: "The poor fellow, " or else, with a hint of admiration: "He's a pirate, all right."(在真相大白,弄清到底这人犯了偷窃之罪,还是有弑父之恶,或者仅仅是个违规者之前,他们会说:“可怜的家伙啊!”,再不就是略有些钦羡,“不错,他是个海盗。”)
  • 10、The objective refusal on obtaining images through digital camera lens, most popular in our days, shows hownonconformist these depictions are and how unique they turn out to be.(拒绝以今日流行的数码相机镜头捕捉影像,作者透过作品表达了一种反传统的独特风格。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 11、Championing the cause of the solitary artisan comes naturally to Kalin, a boyishly ambitiousnonconformist who wouldn't look out of place at the local skate park.(孤独的工匠的冠军事业自然而然的落到了罗布·卡林的手里——这个有点稚气的却雄心勃勃的不墨守成规者,并且在当地的滑冰公园他从来不向外看。)
  • 12、I've always been a kind ofnonconformist. I've long had a streak of wanting to test limits, break rules, and everything else that goes along with a rebellious mindset.(我一直是那种不愿墨守陈规的人,一直有想测试极限、打破规则的倾向,并抱着逆反的心态顺应每件事情。)
  • 13、There once was anonconformist bird that decided not to fly south for the winter.(曾经有一只不墨守常规的鸟,他决定不飞往南方过冬。)
  • 14、Hernonconformist designs stressed simplicity and comfort.(她那不受约束的设计风格强调简单和舒适。)
  • 15、Two college dropouts with mysterious means of income andnonconformist lifestyles.(两个大学退学生,有着神秘的收入,过着被世人所不屑的生活。)
  • 16、Therarity bias is also sometimes called a"nonconformist bias".(罕见稀有偏好有时也被称为“非从众偏好”。)
  • 17、Itinvolves rejecting conventional wisdom, hype, and the madness of crowds -essentially being anonconformist.(它包括拒绝传统智慧,炒作和疯狂—尤其不能人云亦云。)
  • 18、Whoso would be a man must be anonconformist.(要想做一个真正的人,就不能墨守成规。)



英 [ˌnɒnkənˈfɔ:mɪst] 美 [ˌnɑ:nkənˈfɔ:rmɪst] 
名词: Nonconformism



