
更新时间:2024-05-12 23:21:40



  • 1、The next drop fall from the same spot and gradually form a stone "icicle," called a stalactite, which hangs from the cave's ceiling.(另一滴水从同一地方滴下,渐渐地形成一个石头“冰柱”,叫做钟乳石,悬挂在洞穴顶上。)
  • 2、Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, like an upside-downicicle. This is called a stalagmite.(有时,水直接朝地下滴,于是,矿物质向上堆积,像倒挂的冰柱。这叫做石笋。)
  • 3、If anicicle grows long enough, it can meet ice mounds on the ground, forming an ice column.(如果有足够长的冰柱的增长,它能够满足冰丘在地面上,形成一个冰栏。)
  • 4、You love the poem by fasting, praise for the "clear skiesicicle."(游受斋爱其诗,赞为“晴空冰柱”。)
  • 5、The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from anicicle after the sun has gone.(血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太阳落山后的冰柱滴下的水珠。)
  • 6、"Madam came in," she said, "as chill as anicicle, and as unattainable as a princess."(“夫人走进来了,”她说,“像个冰柱似的冷冰冰,又像个公主似的高不可攀。”)
  • 7、Today, kids wouldn't touch Dad's clothes if they were sliding naked down anicicle.(今天,小鬼们就算是要赤着身子滑下冰柱,也不会碰老头的衣服。)
  • 8、Meanwhile, since the outer diameter of each creepage extender is large, a continuousicicle can hardly be formed, and when ice and snow are melted, rain flashover cannot be caused.(同时,由于增爬裙外径大,难形成连续的冰柱,在冰雪融化时也不会造成雨闪。)
  • 9、You've left youricicle lying in the sunshine, you fool!(你把冰棒放在阳光下了,傻瓜!)
  • 10、I saw a window of elegant and meticulousicicle flowers!(我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!)
  • 11、The discharge at the top oficicle is one of the main factors influencing flashover voltage when the air gap amid the sheds of ice-covered insulators is not bridged.(覆冰绝缘子伞裙间隙未桥接时,冰凌尖端的放电是影响绝缘子闪络电压的主要因素之一。)
  • 12、As water continues to drip, theicicle grows.(随着水不断下滴,冰柱的体积也慢慢增大。)
  • 13、The author researches the influence of the length oficicle in ice bridge connection and the position of air gap in the composite insulators to the distribution of electrical field and potential.(研究了覆冰桥接时冰棱的长度对覆冰合成绝缘子电场和电位分布的影响,以及空气间隙在覆冰合成绝缘子外沿所处的位置不同对电场和电位分布的影响。)
  • 14、In winter, make anicicle arch on the heads of two stone lions, which sitting in front of a bank gate, people walk through the arch.(冬天时,找到某个银行大门口站着的两尊狮子,制作一个以它们为基座,用头顶着的一个拱形的冰柱,来来往往的人都可以从中穿过。)
  • 15、Safety the highly effective convenience drainage system may prevent the valley between roofs and the down - flow pipe damage guaranteed the roof does not tie the snow and ice theicicle.(安全,高效便利的排水系统可以防止屋顶天沟及下水管的损坏,保证屋顶不结冰雪、冰柱。)
  • 16、This passionless girl was like anicicle in the sunshine.(这个冷静的女孩犹如阳光下的冰柱。)
  • 17、The rusticles -porous, dark orange,icicle-like structures that form on rusting iron -covered the metal surface of Titanic and are home to a host of micro-organisms.(它们覆盖在泰坦尼克号的金属表面,成为各种微生物的家园。)
  • 18、The "icicle of death" grew so rapidly towards the seabed that teams could see it advancing before their eyes.(这种朝着海底生长的“死亡冰柱”生长速度很快,摄影人员用肉眼就能观察到它的生长过程。) hAo86.com



英 [ˈaɪsɪkl] 美 [ˈaɪsɪkəl] 
