
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:41:54



  • 1、Their source was a "Facebookinsider."(这些人的消息来源是一位“Facebook内部人士”。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、"That would take longer and cost more," aninsider said.(一位业内人士表示,在这些地区上市,花的时间更多,最终的费用也更高。)
  • 3、People categorize other people: enemy or friend; family or stranger;insider or outsider.(人们很容易把其他人分类:敌人或是朋友、亲人或是陌生人、自己人或是外人。)
  • 4、Who would really want to be aninsider?(又有谁真的愿意声名远扬?)
  • 5、But that's only partially right, according to the Gatesinsider.(但是按照熟悉盖茨的那位知情人的说话,这只是部分正确。)
  • 6、The situation was described by oneinsider as 'absolute chaos'.(据一名内部人士说,实情是乱作一团。)
  • 7、Aninsider said, "Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career."(一名知情者说,“凯瑟琳告诉朋友们她该结束自己的职业生涯了。”)
  • 8、His behaviour could just as easily have been explained by problems in his personal life as being aninsider on the kidnap plot.(他的行为很容易被解释为他个人生活中的问题,就像他是绑架阴谋的内部人士一样。)
  • 9、Oneinsider called it a “disaster”.(一位内部人员把这叫做一个“灾难”。)
  • 10、But a realistic look at the crimes reveals that the offender is likely to be an employee of the firm against which the crime has been committed, i.e., an "insider".(但是,从现实的角度来看待本次罪行,犯罪分子很可能是反公司的公司雇员,即“内部人员”。)
  • 11、Here, she offers someinsider advice.(以下是她作为业内人士所提供的一些建议。)
  • 12、SOMETIMES a bit ofinsider jargon is very plain, but nonetheless signalling ofinsiderism.(有时,一些行话也是很简明易懂的,但尽管如此还是表现了一种内部主义。)
  • 13、Given Goldman's extraordinary success, Mr Paulson's successor will almost certainly be aninsider.(考虑到高盛非凡的成功,鲍尔森的继任者几乎肯定将是一个内部人。)
  • 14、Oneinsider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.(一位看过那份报告的内部人士说那是相当触目惊心的。)
  • 15、Theinsider reported: "They are really good friends and that's all."(据内部知情人士透露:“他们俩是非常好的好朋友,仅此而已。”)
  • 16、Former Enron executive Paula Rieker was charged with criminalinsider trading.(安然前高管保拉·里克尔被指控犯有内幕交易罪。)
  • 17、You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and aninsider.(你开始以局外人和局内人来看待这两个社会。)
  • 18、In Changsha, Hunan, 60% of honey is fake, local media quoted aninsider as saying.(据湖南媒体引用业内人士称,长沙市场上60%都是假蜂蜜。)
  • 19、Both in London and Washington, DC, Ms Lodhi was privy toinsider information.(无论在伦敦还是华盛顿,洛蒂女士都是知晓内情。)
  • 20、Aninsider at Zotye Auto said the vehicle is selling at a loss at present.(一名众泰汽车的内部人员称此车目前正在亏本销售。)
  • 21、The highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozyinsider picks, another sign that high CEO pay is not some kind of depredation at the expense of the rest of the company.(最高级的CEO薪酬是支付给外部候选人的,而不是内部人选。这再次表明,高级CEO的薪酬并不是以牺牲公司其他员工为代价的掠夺。)
  • 22、"Some countries feel insecure for reasons going back centuries," says a NATOinsider.(“一些国家感到不安全是基于数个世纪以来的理由,”一位北约内部人士说。)
  • 23、Belgium, with its big Banks and huge public debt, has benefited from being aninsider too.(拥有庞大的银行业和巨额公共债务的比利时同样因其成员国的身份而受益匪浅。)
  • 24、A BPinsider says that what has spooked investors is the prospect of unlimited liability.(一位英国石油公司的内部人员说,是很可能发生的没完没了的责任,吓到了投资者。)



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