


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:53:41



  • 1、Grammar rules are far more fluid than most people think. Robert Lane Greene explains why it's okay to split aninfinitive …(语法规则比一般人感觉得更加多变。罗伯特·雷恩·葛林将解释为什么拆开一个不定式也没关系……)
  • 2、infinitive with ZU and its related parts as attribute;(带ZU的不定式及其所属成分作定语;)
  • 3、With theinfinitive to express obligation or what is expected to happen.(与不定词连用,表示义务获预期发生某事。)
  • 4、Maybe this is because you learnt at school that after "to" a verb should always be in theinfinitive.(这可能是因为你们学校里的老师告诉你们“to”后面一般都跟动词不定式。)
  • 5、infinitive in the title on behalf of the future actions or events.(标题中的不定式代表未来的动作或事件。)
  • 6、The St Petersburg Paradox is a typical uncertaininfinitive decision problem that frustrates people nowadays.(圣彼得堡悖论是关于不确定性和无穷决策问题中令人头痛的一个。)
  • 7、To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with aninfinitive phrase.(促使,引起通过劝说或行为来带领或指引。用于不定式词组中。)
  • 8、One desirable way is to ascertain which noun or pronoun is logically related to theinfinitive phrase and ACTS as its logical subject.(确定不定式逻辑主语的主要方法是确定句中哪一个名词或代词与不定式逻辑上有主谓关系。)
  • 9、But no, all that's left is aninfinitive phrase.(但是,没有了。留下的是一个不定式短语。)
  • 10、It is formed with the copula "vera" (to be) + "ae" (infinitive marker) + infinite verb.(它由连接词“vera”(tobe)+“ae”(不定式标记)+无限动词构成。)
  • 11、Theinfinitive construction is a language phenomenon which often appears in English.(定式结构是英语中经常出现的语言现象。)
  • 12、It is bracing to learn, for example, that the prohibition on splitting theinfinitive is fairly recent.(学起来会令人鼓舞,例如,禁止分离不定式是最近才有的事。)
  • 13、When the person or thing doing something is named, the verb that follows is in theinfinitive, not the past participle.(假如做某事的人或物在句子中呈现了,那么接上去的动词就用原形,而不必过来分词。)
  • 14、Feeling ofinfinitive melancholy stole over him.(他不知不觉产生无限忧郁的感觉。)
  • 15、Can I split aninfinitive?(我可以拆分不定式吗?)
  • 16、Also, there are times when your writing will be more fluent and your meaning will be clearer if you do split aninfinitive.(而且,在不少情况下,拆分不定式会让你写作更流畅、表达的意思也更明确。)
  • 17、In addition, a verbinfinitive characteristics, can have their own object and adverbial forminfinitive phrase.(另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。)
  • 18、In some English sentence patterns, active form of theinfinitive is used to express passive meaning.(它们在句中以主动形式出现,却表示被动意义。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、"In a splitinfinitive, another word separates the two parts of the verb."(分写的话,另外的一个词写在不定式的两个词之间。)
  • 20、This book leads you step by step to learn how and when to use theinfinitive.(本书带你一步一步慢慢深入探讨不定词的用法。)
  • 21、Maybe it is the errant apostrophe, the splitting of the poor oldinfinitive, or the use of "like" as a comma.(也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。)
  • 22、We can use a verb and an object before a question word with a to-infinitive.(我们可以在带有动词不定式的疑问词前使用一个动词和一个宾语。)
  • 23、How to useinfinitive will be studied next week.(如何使用不定式将在下周学习。)
  • 24、Speaking with some of the verbinfinitive phrase as object complement, when saved to, one tactic is: a sense so that the four two three watch.(在谈到与一些动词不定式短语作为对象补充,当储存到,一个策略是:从某种意义上使四个两三个观赏。)
  • 25、Use a question word+to-infinitive to replace each object clause.(运用疑问词十动词不定式来代替每个宾语从句。)
  • 26、As far as management is concerned, enterprise is a kind of living creature, a kind of art, full ofinfinitive unknowns.(在理解企业管理的人眼中,企业是一个活体、是一门艺术,充满着无尽的未知。)
  • 27、As the most common and important limit type in the mathematics, theinfinitive limit has various and changeable solutions in the exercise.(不定式极限是最常见和最重要的极限类型,其求法多种多样,变化无穷。)
  • 28、Comparative to theinfinitive cosmos and grandeur of lives, the life of human being is as minute as nothing.(相对于无限的宇宙和壮阔的生命来说,人的一生微小得近于虚无。)
  • 29、It is wrong to ever split aninfinitive.(将不定式分割永远是错误的。)



英 [ɪnˈfɪnətɪv] 美 [ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv] 
