
更新时间:2024-04-26 22:52:14



  • 1、Effects of vegetation and fertilization on black soillabile organic carbon and carbon management index (ICM) were studied in a long-term fertilization experiment.(通过长期定位试验,研究不同植被覆盖与施肥管理对黑土活性有机碳库形成及碳库管理指数icm的影响。)
  • 2、A new memory is initiallylabile and sensitive to disruption by a variety of interfering events or agents.(一个新的记忆最初是不稳定的,且易被许多干扰事件或因素打断。)
  • 3、What our research says is that trust is much morelabile than that.(根据我们的调查,信任更为不稳定。)
  • 4、Membrane distillation (MD), which has been applied to purification of water and concentration of thermallylabile substances, is an innovative membrane separation technique.(膜蒸馏是一种新型的膜分离技术,可用于海水淡化、纯净水制备、热敏物料浓缩等方面。)
  • 5、Have proved to protect from degradationlabile molecules such as vitamins or enzymes.(经测试具有优异的防止如维生素或酶等易变分子的降解,保持被包裹物活性的功效。)
  • 6、Avian influenza virus are highlylabile, because of antigenic drift and antigenic shift.(由于抗原转变和抗原漂移,禽流感病毒是高度可变的。)
  • 7、For compounds with potentiallylabile metabolites, the stability of analyte in matrix from dosed subjects (or species) should be confirmed.(对于有潜在不稳定代谢物的物质,应确认制剂后基质中分析物稳定性。)
  • 8、The distribution of organic carbon andlabile organic carbon along soil profile in swamp soil and peat soil in Ruoergai alpine wetland were studied.(研究了川中丘陵区紫色水稻土土壤腐殖质碳的剖面分布及其组成特征,探讨了土壤腐殖质与活性有机碳、土壤全氮含量的关系。)
  • 9、Thelabile monomeric aluminum was obtained by subtracting the non-labile monomeric aluminum from the total monomeric aluminum.(由总单核铝减去稳定单核铝求得不稳定单核铝。)
  • 10、Such physical entanglements are usuallylabile.(这种物理缠结往往是不稳定的。)
  • 11、Before fear memories are stored in the long-term memory, there is a temporarylabile phase.(恐惧记忆储存在长时记忆之前,有一个临时的不稳定阶段。)
  • 12、Before then, the stomach has low levels of acid, and acid-labile drugs, such as the penicillins, show enhanced absorption.(在三岁以前,胃酸分泌处于低水平,对酸不稳定的药物,例如青霉素的吸收会增强。)
  • 13、These are more commonly described as the 'labile' metal concentrations.(这些通常称之为“不稳定”金属浓度。)
  • 14、RESULTS During the storage period, the content of acetic acid reduced and the content of itslabile product increased.(结果:在放置过程中醋酸含量下降,而乙酸乙酯含量增加。)
  • 15、The proportions of flavin, non-heme iron andlabile sulphide in the eluate was found to be 1: (8~10) :10.(经分析,其异咯嗪、非血红素铁以及不稳定硫之比为1:(8~10):10。)
  • 16、Objective: To determine the oral immunogenicity of B subunit of Escherichia coli Heat-labile enterotoxin expressed in transgenic potatoes.(目的探讨马铃薯表达的产肠毒素大肠杆菌热敏肠毒素B亚基口服免疫原性。)
  • 17、The soillabile carbon in a Pinus taeda plantation in South Jiangsu, China was investigated.(对苏南火炬松人工林中的土壤有效碳进行了研究。)
  • 18、Such memory decay is thought to result either from the inherentlylabile nature of newly-acquired memories or from interference by subsequently attained information.(该遗忘通常被认为来自新记忆本身的不稳定性或者无关信息的干扰,但有关其本质人们知之甚少。)
  • 19、Conclusion: the best extracting technology islabile and applicable to the industry manufacture.(结论:此工艺稳定可靠,适用于工业化大生产。)
  • 20、It is identified that nitric oxide (NO), alabile and highly reactive radical, can be synthesized in most part of animal body.(一氧化氮(NO)是一种含自由基的气体,化学性质非常活泼。)
  • 21、The truth about a Versailles shepherdess was to put it mildly morelabile.(关于凡尔赛牧羊女的真相,说的婉转些,是不稳定的,更加易变的。)
  • 22、Cold sweat, cold and heat intolerant,labile temperature.(时常流冷汗﹐怕冷怕热﹐体温变怪。)
  • 23、According to the study, reactivation of a memory returns it to alabile (unstable) state allowing it to be reinforced or updated.(根据这项研究,重新激活记忆,会使记忆回到不稳定状态,从而有可能被增强或者更新。)
  • 24、The freedom from heatlabile toxicity test is negative.(不耐热毒素试验呈阴性;)
  • 25、Inlabile type 1 diabetes, it is often most effective given as two daily injections.(通常在不稳定的1型糖尿病中,最有效的使用是每天注射两次。)
  • 26、Special attention should be paid to the storage of heatlabile or photosensitive products.(要特别注意热不稳定和光敏感的产品的储存。)
  • 27、Besides this, acid-labile carriers can lead endosomal escape and deliver drugs into cytoplasm, because of its rapid degradation in the acidic environment.(不仅如此,酸度敏感药物载体还可以实现内涵体逃逸,从而实现细胞内的药物传递。)
  • 28、The mostlabile European country on matters nuclear has, not surprisingly, been Germany, where great engineering and anti-nuclear sentiment have long coexisted uneasily.(不出所料,在核问题上立场最不稳定的欧洲国家一直是德国,该国强大的工程技术与反核情绪在不安状态中长期共存。)



英 ['leɪbaɪl] 美 [ˈleˌbaɪl, -bəl] 
名词: lability
