
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:47:52



  • 1、His enthusiasm was in no wayflagging.(他的热情丝毫没有减退。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、No wonder business confidence isflagging and companies are pulling in their horns.(难怪商业信心一直不振,各公司纷纷拉响警报。)
  • 3、It could dash, disastrously, the EU's alreadyflagging enthusiasm for expansion.(糟糕的是,它可能挫伤欧盟已经日渐消退的东扩热情。)
  • 4、NATO'sflagging strategic patience will be sorely tested.(北约日渐减弱的战略耐心将受到严峻的考验。)
  • 5、This movie is intended to revive herflagging career.(这部电影意在使她渐趋衰败的事业再现辉煌。)
  • 6、If it is a snake (which cannot) they use tail-flagging to signal its presence.(如果是一条蛇(没有听力),它们就摇尾发出信号。)
  • 7、Last year 6.2m passenger vehicles were sold in China, around 20% more than in 2006, and there is no sign of the growthflagging.(去年,车商在中国售出了620万台客运汽车,比2006年多了约20%,并且这一增势毫无渐弱的迹象。)
  • 8、And in a bid to jump-startflagging Cyprus talks, Turkey is reportedly ready to discuss land swaps without preconditions.(而为了争取迅速启动旗帜性的塞浦路斯会谈,据报道,土耳其准备好在没有前提的情况下讨论土地交换问题。)
  • 9、The video shows the group carrying her andflagging down a motorist who volunteers to drive her to the hospital.(这段视频显示了一群人抬着她,拦下了一个志愿载她去医院的驾车者。)
  • 10、Some think he is physicallyflagging and that his mind has begun to wander.(有人认为他身体衰弱而且开始有些神智不清。)
  • 11、When you delete a file, all you are doing is removing it from the directory andflagging that part of the drive as being available for new data.(因此,这个区域在被新的数据覆盖之前,原始数据都是可以被还原的。这就是所有数据还原软件的工作原理,根据目录还原那些已经删除的数据文件。)
  • 12、flagging of inappropriate content.(标记不适当的内容。)
  • 13、The Italian fashion house Gianni Versace is pulling out of Japan after nearly 30 years amidflagging sales, the Financial Times reported.(据《金融时报》报道,由于市场疲软,在日本开设分店已有近30年的意大利品牌范思哲公司决定撤出日本市场。)
  • 14、She waved her arm like she wasflagging down traffic until Mr. Porto called on her.(她挥动着手臂,就像是在挥手让车辆停下来,直到博多先生点她的名字方才罢休。)
  • 15、Despite numerous failures, they continued to conduct the experiment withoutflagging.(尽管实验几次都失败了,他们仍毫不气馁地继续进行。)
  • 16、The writer Ian Frazier, visiting once to have his Olympia cured of aflagging “e”, was taken into a dark nest of metal cabinets by torchlight.(作家伊恩•弗雷泽曾造访过一次,修理他的Olympia打字机,因为打字机不能打出字母“e”。点着火把,伊恩•弗雷泽被带进一间装满金属陈列柜的黑屋子里。)
  • 17、Still--the fact that we can put an end to it, that's the point we've already beenflagging, that immortality would not be so good.(我们能将之结束的事实,正是我们一直在阐释的观点,就是永生并非好事。)
  • 18、Until recently big brewers tried to make up forflagging sales in the rich world by pushing into emerging markets.(直到最近大的啤酒酿造商试图推进新兴市场在富裕地区重振逐渐衰落的市场。)
  • 19、Nonetheless, the Friends in need will be hoping that their upcoming screen reunion revives theirflagging Hollywood careers.(尽管如此,困境中的“老友”们还是会希望不久之后在银幕上的重聚能帮他们重振日渐式微的好莱坞星途。)
  • 20、My horse wasflagging, but I urged him on.(我的马疲倦了,但我仍催促它前进。)
  • 21、Animal spirits are nowflagging.(高昂的动物精神现在正在衰退了。)
  • 22、As regular readers of this site will know, we write a "Worth a look" blog every morningflagging up six articles or blogs worth reading.(这个网站的常客都知道,我们写的是一个名为“值得一看”的博客,每天早上晒出六篇值得读的文章或博文。)
  • 23、But this film could relight some of theirflagging careers in a big way.(但这部电影在很大程度上能重新点燃他们演艺事业的辉煌。)
  • 24、Part of my job wasflagging down professional poker players between tournaments for interviews.(我的部分工作就是在比赛间歇招手拦下职业扑克选手们进行访问。)



英 ['flægɪŋ] 美 [ˈflæɡɪŋ] 
副词: flaggingly

