
forensic medicine造句

forensic medicine造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:59:06


forensic medicine造句

  • 1、Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learnforensic medicine, philosophy and logic.(除犯罪调查技术外,学生们还学习法医学、哲学和逻辑学。)
  • 2、The author considered that those materials are very important for tracing the source offorensic medicine, especially clinical forensic medici…(其中所载的内容对于了解法医学、临床法医学乃至赔偿医学的发源有重要的意义。)
  • 3、The practice of this model was introduced byforensic medicine examples.(并通过法医学实例介绍了该模型的应用。)
  • 4、The early involvement of specialty, case and scientific research were applied toforensic medicine teaching and has achieved significant effect.(把早期接触专业、早期接触案件、早期接触科研运用于法医学教学实践中,取得了不错的效果。)
  • 5、Theforensic medicine stems from China.(法医学起源于中国。)
  • 6、The scientists work at the Institute offorensic medicine in Zurich.(这些科学家就职于苏黎世法医研究所。)
  • 7、Objective To provide reference data for selecting the talent of sports, anthropology andforensic medicine.(目的为人类学、法医学及选拔体育人材提供体质学资料。)
  • 8、The transitional period of Chineseforensic medicine is in Tang Dynasty.(唐朝对法医学来说,是一个承前启后的时代。)
  • 9、The genetic marker system is of significance in anthropology,forensic medicine and medical genetics.(本遗传标记系统在人类学、法医学和医学遗传学的研究中有重要意义。)
  • 10、forensic medicine: Science of applying medical knowledge to legal questions.(法医学:应用医学知识解决法律问题的科学。)
  • 11、Dating of injures is always an important hot topic in the field offorensic medicine.(损伤时间推定,一直是法医学领域研究的重要课题。)
  • 12、With the advances in oncotic research, researches inforensic medicine and practice will be impacted greatly.(随着对胀亡研究的深入,将对法医学科研及实践产生深远的影响。)
  • 13、Forensic biology is a main subject offorensic medicine.(法医物证学是法医学专业的一门主干学科。) hAo86.com
  • 14、The condition of an injury inforensic medicine is mostly determined by the medical document given by the medical unit.(法医学伤情鉴定多需借助医疗单位出具的医疗文书来确定伤情程度,如诊断证明书、病历、检查报告单等。)
  • 15、Clinicalforensic medicine belongs to applied medicine science.(临床法医学是一门应用医学。)
  • 16、A specialist inforensic medicine was called as a witness in the murder trial.(在那桩谋杀案的审理中,一名法医专家被召来作证。)
  • 17、Lastly, it analyses the basic features of the system and the similarities and differences between it and modernforensic medicine.(最后分析了中国古代司法检验体系的基本特征及其与近代法医学的异同。)
  • 18、Objective To research BAEP changes of patients with cerebral concussion and usage in clinicalforensic medicine.(目的探讨脑震荡脑干诱发电位的特点及临床法医学应用。)
  • 19、Methods 106 poisoning death cases which were assessed at the School offorensic medicine from 1985 to 2004 are analyzed.(方法对四川大学法医学院1985~2004年106例中毒死亡尸体剖验病理材料进行回顾性统计分析。)
  • 20、The result is of practical significanceforensic medicine and anthropology.(研究结果对人类学和法医学具有重要的实用意义。)
  • 21、These are where the particularities of Ancient Chineseforensic medicine lie.(以上两点正是中国古代法医学的特殊性所在。)
  • 22、On the other hand, these data can be useful forforensic medicine and physical anthropology.(另一方面,这些数据对于法医学以及体质人类学也是非常有用的。)
  • 23、They are also found widespread application to theforensic medicine.(同样在法医学中也有广阔的应用前景。)
  • 24、Objective To discuss the similarities and differences of Medical Association andforensic medicine in the expertise of medical malpractice.(目的探讨医疗纠纷鉴定中,医学会鉴定和法医学鉴定两种形式之间的异同。)
  • 25、HLA typing is significant in the study of anthropology,forensic medicine, disease susceptibility and organ transplantation.(人类HLA抗原分型在人类学、法医学、疾病易感性及器官组织移植等研究中有重要的意义。)
  • 26、Y - STR has many advantages over other genetic markers and it has become a hot topic of both application and research inforensic medicine.(与其他遗传标记相比,Y-STR具有许多优点,正成为Y染色体遗传标记中法医学应用和研究的热点。)

forensic medicine基本释义

forensic medicine

英 [fəˈrensɪk ˈmedisin] 美 [fəˈrɛnsɪk ˈmɛdɪsɪn] 
