


更新时间:2024-06-03 00:02:13



  • 1、So please think before you post and don't overgeneralise or stereotype.(所以,请你三思而后员额和应该做的概括或刻板印象没有。)
  • 2、In contrast, some unenlightened free-thinkers are not enthusiastic to learn and think deeply enough, who thusgeneralise and trivialise others' belief and thought systems.(相反的,一些未被启迪的所谓自由思想者们,没有深入思考的热情,只会概括和分解别人的思想系统和信仰。)
  • 3、How can the movementsgeneralise and how will the different ideas within them be clarified?(如何能运动概括,以及如何将不同的想法,他们得到澄清?)
  • 4、But bankers say that togeneralise about deal fees remains perilous.(不过银行家们表示,对交易佣金进行推断仍然十分危险。)
  • 5、ABSTRACT: we should notgeneralise the 2012 bordeaux sweet white wines.(摘要:对于波尔多2012年份的甜白,我们不可一概而论。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、Some new discrete inequalities with the power nonlinearity are obtained which unify andgeneralise some known results due to B.(建立几个新的具有幂非线性的离散不等式,它们推广并统一了B。)
  • 7、But we can allgeneralise, it's what we do best.(但是,我们都可以概括,这是我们做得最好。)
  • 8、Of course, we must be careful not togeneralise about deer.(当然,我们必须注意不要对所有的鹿一概而论。)
  • 9、To the extent that we cangeneralise from this, perhaps the self-confidence of the beautiful helps them fool employers into paying more.(我们由此可以归纳出这样的结论,或许是漂亮人的自信,帮助他们愚弄了雇主,从而获得更高的薪水。)
  • 10、Don't over-generalise (' I can never hold down a relationship '), jump to conclusions (' I'll never finish this job ') or ruminate endlessly.(不要过分概括(比如想“我永远都控制不好这种关系”),不要妄下定论(比如想“这工作永远都做不完”),也不要总是不停地思考某件事。)
  • 11、Because there are by nature very specific, they are naturally hard togeneralise.(事物就是这样,本质上越特殊,自然就越难泛化。)
  • 12、The small number of studies and lack of information on participant selection makes it difficult togeneralise these results across the spectrum of people with PH.(少项的临床研究和参与者的选择信息的缺乏使这些结果难以概括在各种肺动脉高压患者。)
  • 13、Given this low-quality evidence, it was not possible togeneralise the results of this review across the spectrum of people with pulmonary hypertension.(鉴于这种低质量的证据,不可能把这项系统综述的结果用在各种肺动脉高压人群。)
  • 14、We can'tgeneralise all Inter fans after what happened with the players at the airport.(在机场的事情发生后,我们不能认为所有的国米球迷都是那样的。)
  • 15、The session wants to synthesise, discuss andgeneralise a successful approach for designing peri-urban landscapes of the future.(本研讨将通过综合、讨论和概括找出一个用于指导未来城郊景观设计的可行方法。)
  • 16、You cangeneralise further by talking about a whole country, for example: Too many people in the States are overweight.(你可以更进一步地概括某个国家的人的情况,例如:ToomanypeopleintheStatesareoverweight。)
  • 17、ABSTRACT: we should notgeneralise the 2012 bordeaux sweet white wines. Although faced some challenges from the weather, they are still worth your time.(摘要:对于波尔多2012年份的甜白,我们不可一概而论。虽然经历了来自天气的挑战,但是波尔多2012年份甜白葡萄酒依然令人期待。)
  • 18、But does it really make sense togeneralise about a whole generation in this way?(但将整个世代如此一概而论是否合理?)
  • 19、Unfortunately we often over-generalise these beliefs to situations where they don't apply.(不幸地是,我们经常将那些信念泛化,对不适用的情景进行概括。)
  • 20、But Hosham urged me not togeneralise: "All the cases are different."(但侯山姆竭力劝我不要妄下结论:“每个案子各有各的不同。”)



英 ['dʒenərəlaɪz] 美 ['dʒenərəlˌaɪz] 
