head for造句

更新时间:2024-06-09 23:54:06


head for造句

  • 1、Throw a ball at someone'shead for fun in New York.(在纽约,不可以把皮球扔到路人的脑袋上取乐。)
  • 2、It was a holy place for a religious person tohead for.(这是一个宗教人士前往的圣地。)
  • 3、I don't have ahead for business.(我没有做生意的才能。)
  • 4、Her spectacles were propped up on her grayhead for safety.(为了安全起见,她把眼镜架在灰白的头上。)
  • 5、Shaking yourhead for 'No' is not universal.(以摇头表示“不”,并非放诸四海而皆准。)
  • 6、I wouldn't hurt a hair of yourhead for all the world.(无论如何我也不会伤害你的一根头发。)
  • 7、He was too trusting—or, to put it another way , he had nohead for business.(他太轻信人了—或者换个说法,他没有商业头脑。)
  • 8、I have nohead for figures, but my sister is blessed with a superbhead for figures.(我不擅长算术,而我妹妹却有一个精于数字运算的超级脑袋。)
  • 9、You'll need to keep a clearhead for your interview.(你面试时需要保持清醒的头脑。)
  • 10、Then I quickly scoot my chair back andhead for the shower.(然后我迅速向后挪开椅子,进浴室洗澡。)
  • 11、And I say, "I'm sitting on my brother'shead for half an hour".(我说:“我坐在我弟弟的上半小时了。”)
  • 12、I quickly scoot my chair back andhead for the shower.(我迅速把椅子向后挪了挪,冲了个澡。)
  • 13、And ever since, I have never hesitated tohead for even the most remote of places, without guides or even advanced bookings, confident that somehow I will manage.(从那以后,即使是去最偏远的地方,我也从不犹豫,没有导游,甚至没有提前预订,也不知怎么的相信自己一定能行。)
  • 14、‘Can you stand on yourhead for half an hour?’ asks Raymond.(’你能头倒着坚持半个小时吗?伦纳德问。)
  • 15、It could be just a memory that floats into yourhead for no reason.(它可以只是一些无缘由的飘过脑海中的记忆罢了。)
  • 16、Said later on, they may fear commitment andhead for the hills.(如果晚些再表白,他们可能会害怕承诺而逃得远远的。)
  • 17、I gave a lump of silver as big as myhead for it.(我用一块和我脑袋一样大的银子换了它。)
  • 18、Using a mirror, check yourhead for hair loss.(照一下镜子,看下你的头上有没有掉头发。)
  • 19、Teri and Kimhead for the water tower alone with Jack and Rick not far behind.(泰瑞和金姆独自向水塔方向行进,杰克和里克就在不远处。)
  • 20、In the winter Ihead for the mall.(在冬日里,我前往这个购物商场。)
  • 21、The doctor's father had nohead for business, and he went under.(医生的父亲没有商业头脑,他破产了。)
  • 22、We decided to uproot andhead for Scotland.(我们决定迁往苏格兰。)
  • 23、The young salmon are then released andhead for the ocean.(然后这个小三文鱼为被放入河中前往大海。)
  • 24、After a hearty breakfast of huevos rancheros, a spicy omelette with chopped vegetables and ham, it was time tohead for the marina.(吃完了丰盛的早餐,有墨西哥式煎蛋,一个辣煎蛋卷配切碎的蔬菜和火腿,是时候去码头了。)
  • 25、With his last point, James has hit the nail on thehead for me.(其中最后一点,詹姆斯一语击中了我。)
  • 26、Triceratops, had little room in its horn-coveredhead for smelling equipment.(三角龙布满角的头部几乎没有留给嗅觉装备的空间。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、Ihead for the kitchen, but I can still see the TV.(我朝厨房走去,但我仍能看到电视。)

head for基本释义

head for

英 [hed fɔ:] 美 [hɛd fɔr] 

走向; 朝…进发; 引向好[坏]结果; 奔